Local Sexual Assault Services Programs: Many Michigan communities have local sexual assault services programs that provide free and confidential crisis support, legal advocacy, medical advocacy, counseling, groups and/or therapy. Some of these programs also operate sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE) programs or refer to nearby SANE programs. You can search for services in your local community online with an interactive map or you can call the Michigan Sexual Assault Hotline about these options in your community.
Child Advocacy Centers: Many Michigan communities have child focused organizations that work with police, prosecutors and Children’s Protective Services to respond to child sexual abuse. These organizations may provide services such as forensic interviews, medical evaluation, victim support, and advocacy and counseling. You can search for services in your local community online by and interactive map or you can call the Michigan Sexual Assault Hotline to talk about these options in your community.
Confidential help: Some survivors want to keep what happened to them private. Feel free to ask any hotline, support person, counselor, or organization about their ability to keep your conversation confidential or private.