Michigan Victim Information and Notification Everyday (MI-VINE)
MI-VINE is a free, confidential 24-hour telephone-computer interface that allows crime victims and other citizens to register to receive notices and information about offenders.
Notifications produced by the system include the majority of Crime Victim Rights Act requirements, including court schedule information. MI-VINE also provides immediate information to callers wishing to determine the current custody status or release of a prisoner.
To register for MI-VINE or learn more call 1-800-770-7657 or visit MI-VINE or the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services More information page.
Michigan Sex Offender Registry
Michigan has a public sex offender registry. The registry is a database containing the names, addresses, and listed offenses of persons in Michigan convicted of certain sexual offenses. You can search for offenders living near you. You also can register to receive notifications from the registry if a sex offender moves into your neighborhood. To search the registry or learn more visit the Michigan State Police Sex Offender Registry.