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Our Organization

Our Organization

The Michigan Education Trust (MET) was created on December 23, 1986, when then Governor James Blanchard signed into law Public Act 316 of 1986. The preamble of the law includes language declaring "it is an essential function of state government to encourage attendance at state institutions of higher education" and that "students in elementary and secondary schools tend to achieve a higher standard of performance when the payment of tuition for their higher education is secured" (Public Act 316 of 1986, Sec. 2). 

The MET Charitable Tuition Program is a way for organizations to purchase from one to four years of college for a deserving individual in their community at a price that's discounted especially for this program.

Act 525 Of 2008 Fostering Futures Scholarship Trust Fund Section 722.1023 creates the Fostering Futures Scholarship Trust Fund, the mission of which is to provide scholarships to former foster youth enrolled at Michigan colleges and universities.

MET Statistics

A person pouring pennies into the hands of a second person

As of September 30, 2023 (at market value):

$1.032 billion

3D image of a percent sign over a paper business graph

Total as of September 30, 2022: 


A plant sprouting from a jar full of quarters

2024-25 Academic Year


Map of the United States with lines from one city to another

2024-25 Academic Year


Board of Directors

State Treasurer

MR. ROBERT A. BOWMAN, PRESIDENT, Pleasure of Governor
President & CEO, MLB Advanced Media, L.P.

MADALENE DAY, VICE PRESIDENT, Pleasure of Governor, Representing Members with Knowledge, Skill and Experience in the Academic Business or Financial Field
Senior Youth Fellow in Older Youth Services, Case Commons & Consultant, Maddy Day, LLC

DR. CALVIN C. CUPIDORE JR., Nominated by Speaker of the House
Retired, Education Consultant, Board member of the Michigan Certified Development Corporation 

MR. BROCK TESSMAN, Representing Four-Year Public Colleges & Universities
President, Northern Michigan University

MR. PETER PROVENZANO, Representing Community Colleges
President, Oakland Community College

MR. ANDREW MEISNER, Nominated by Senate Majority Leader
CEO Community Unity Bank

DR. RICHARD PAPPAS, Representing Private Colleges
President, Davenport University

MRS. MARLIN WILLIAMS, Representing General Public
Chief Program Officer, TechTown Detroit & Assistant Vice President of Economic Development, Wayne State University

Past reports are available upon request. Please call 1-800-638-4543 or email