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Office of the State Employer

OSE Mission

On behalf of the Governor, the Office of the State Employer directs and develops statewide labor relations policy to foster fair and equitable treatment of all State of Michigan employees, negotiates and administers collective bargaining agreements, provides guidance and training, and delivers programs that cultivate employee success.

OSE Mission, Functions and Authority

Contract Negotiations and Administration

The Michigan Civil Service Commission established a system of collective bargaining for state classified employees, based on its constitutional authority over terms and conditions of employment for state classified employees. The Michigan Civil Service Commission rules recognize the Governor as having the authority to:

  • develop, direct, and coordinate the Employer's employment relations policy;
  • negotiate with exclusive representatives; and
  • recommend to the Civil Service Commission, in consultation with principal departments and elected department heads, a comprehensive plan for rates of compensation and other conditions of employment for non-exclusively represented employees.
Union and LRO Contact Information

Employee Health Management

OSE administers the statewide programs for workers’ compensation, safety, drug and alcohol testing, and disability management.  OSE provides state agencies with technical assistance to support employees remaining at and returning to work, and address workplace safety issues.