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Union and LRO Contact Information

Union Contact Information


American Federal, State, County, Municipal Employees (AFSCME Michigan 925)

826 Municipal Way
Lansing, MI 48917

Information: (517) 487-5081

Fax: (517) 487-3970

AFSCME Michigan 925 Website


Michigan Corrections Organization (MCO) Local 526-M, SEIU, AFL-CIO

421 West Kalamazoo Street
Lansing, MI 48933

Information: (517) 485-3310

Fax: (517) 485-3319

MCO Website


Michigan State Employees Association (MSEA)

924 Centennial Way, Suite 400
Lansing, MI 48917

Information: (517) 394-5900

Toll Free: (800) 228-5901

Fax: (517) 394-4060

MSEA Website


Michigan State Police Troopers Association (MSPTA)

1715 Abbey Road, Suite B
East Lansing, MI 48823

Information: (517) 336-7782

Fax: (517) 336-8997

MSPTA Website

SEIU 517M HSS Unit

SEIU Local 517m Michigan Public Employees

836 Centennial Way, Suite 150
Lansing, MI 48917

Information: (517) 482-1737

Toll Free: (866) 517-7348

Fax: (517) 482-7870

SEIU 517M Website

SEIU 517M Scientific and Engineering

SEIU Local 517M
Michigan Public Employees

836 Centennial Way, Suite 150
Lansing, MI 48917

Information: (517) 482-1737

Toll Free: (866) 517-7348

Fax: (517) 482-7870

SEIU 517M Website

SEIU 517M Technical Unit

SEIU Local 517M
Michigan Public Employees

836 Centennial Way, Suite 150
Lansing, MI 48917

Information: (517) 482-1737

Toll Free: (866) 517-7348

Fax: (517) 482-7870

SEIU 517M Website


United Auto Workers (UAW) Local 6000

3350 N. Grand River Ave.
Lansing, MI 48901-7920

Information: (517) 484-6000

Toll Free: (800) 243-1985

Fax: (517) 484-8489

UAW Local 6000 Website

LRO Contact Information


Association of State Employees in Management (ASEM)

3105 S. MLK Jr. Blvd, #346
Lansing, MI 48910

Information: (517) 204-3687 

ASEM Website


Michigan Association Of Governmental Employees (MAGE)

6920 South Cedar, Suite 4
Lansing, MI 48911

Information: (517) 694-3123

Fax: (517) 694-8250

MAGE Website


Michigan State Police Command Officers’ Association (MSPCOA)

PO Box 27639
Lansing, MI 48909

Information: (517) 974-2266

MSPCOA Website