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Actuarial Cost Table

This table estimates your cost to purchase universal buy-inparental leave, and other governmental service credit.

Directions: Use your age as of the beginning of the current fiscal year (the state fiscal year runs Oct. 1 through Sept. 30). Multiply the applicable percentage rate by your highest previous fiscal year earnings (equating part-time wages to full-time wages) to arrive at the cost of 1 year of service credit.

Age at Purchase Percentage Rate Age at Purchase Percentage Rate Age at Purchase Percentage Rate
up to 25 12.6%
37 15.7%
49 19.3%
26 12.8% 38 16.0% 50 19.6%
27 13.0% 39 16.3% 51 19.8%
28 13.2% 40 16.6% 52 20.0%
29 13.4% 41 16.9% 53 20.2%
30 13.6% 42 17.2% 54


31 13.9% 43 17.5% 55 20.6%
32 14.2% 44 17.8% 56 20.7%
33 14.5% 45 18.1% 57 20.8%
34 14.8% 46 18.4% 58 20.9%
35 15.1% 47 18.7% 59 21.0%
36 15.4% 48 19.0% 60 and up 21.1%