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Board Members

The State of Michigan Retirement Board provides oversight of the State Employees' Retirement System Defined Benefit (DB) Plan, the Judges' Retirement System DB Plan, and the Military Retirement Provisions. The governor appoints five of the nine members to represent active and retired state employees. Four board members represent the state government offices that are required to participate in the board. Upon expiration of a term a member may continue to serve, at the pleasure of the governor, until a successor is appointed.

Board Member


Lorie Barnwell
Term expires Dec. 31, 2027

General public

Ann Marie Storberg

For state treasurer ex-officio

Timothy Hughes
Term expires Dec. 31, 2028

State employees

Kurt Weiss

For state personnel director ex-officio

Lauri Schmidt, vice chair
Term expires Dec. 31, 2027

State retirees

Lisa Geminick

For attorney general, ex officio

Craig Murray

Auditor general, ex officio

Judge Leo Bowman (ret.)
Term expires Dec. 31, 2025


Capt. Felipe Torres
Term expires Dec. 31, 2026

Michigan National Guard

Meg Skelley, executive secretary