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Transition Assistance

MVAA is dedicated to assisting service members as they transition from the armed forces to Michigan's civilian workforce. This includes aide in identifying occupations that align with military skills and specializations, conducting job searches and applying for jobs. The following websites also provide valuable resources for veterans as they seek to begin new careers.

If you're transitioning out of the military and planning your next phase of life, the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency is here to serve you. If you're from Michigan, we want you back. If you're not from Michigan, we ask that you take some time to consider the many opportunities our Great Lakes State has to offer - opportunities to live, raise a family, work and retire in the nation's 10th largest state. Your service instilled special attributes and skills in you. We want you here in Michigan. Read on … and call us at 800-MICH-VET (800-642-4838) with any questions. Click here for more information.