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All Hazards Incident Management Team

The Michigan State Police/Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division (MSP/EMHSD) working with the Michigan All Hazards Incident Management Team (AHIMT) Advisory Committee, administers the Michigan AHIMT Program, which is designed to promote the training, usage, and maintenance of Incident Management Teams at the Type III and Type IV level within the state.  The AHIMT program consists of Type IV IMT Guidance and Position Taskbooks (PTBs), the State Type III IMT Program, and the state of Michigan AHIMT Designation Program.

Each of these programs were developed in conjunction with partners from state and local agencies, intergovernmental organizations, and subject matter experts.  There have been many local efforts to develop, utilize, and maintain Type IV IMTs in Michigan, and the work of the Michigan AHIMT Advisory Committee looks to build on that by providing guidance for additional programs to develop these necessary resources.  Below you will find descriptions of each component of the IMT program, with links to important documents.  If you have any questions regarding the State of Michigan All-Hazards Incident Management Team Program, please reach out to Mr. Larry St. George at

AHIMT Program Guidance

Type IV PTBs