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MICR 2022 Annual Report

Notes About the Data

Each year, MICR data is “frozen” on a specific date to create the annual Crime in Michigan report. This publication’s frozen date was March 1, 2023. Any new or updated crime data submitted to the MICR database after the “frozen” date is not included in the report.

In the 2020 to 2022 annual reports, population estimates listed for individual cities and agencies were provided by the FBI. These estimates are used to determine the crime rates listed in this report. The population counts rely on U.S. Census Bureau data to create approximations of the population served within the “jurisdiction” of the primary law enforcement agency of each city. In some cases, the population used to estimate “jurisdiction” may not align precisely with the population living within that city’s geographic boundaries. Because of this, populations and crime rates produced in the Secure Cities Report are meant to provide a general understanding of crime per-capita for each city as well as changes from one year to the next.

Beginning this year, the MICR program is providing updated counts of prior year crimes in tables displaying year comparisons. In previous annual reports, all yearly counts were static snapshots taken directly from prior year annual reports. They did not include updates reflecting new crimes reported, crimes determined to be unfounded or misreported and consequently deleted from the database, crimes with updated offenses, or crimes showing updated arrests since the annual report’s frozen date. In this 2022 Crime in Michigan annual report, all prior year crime counts are updated through the frozen date of this report, March 1, 2023. This change offers a more accurate picture of crime reported to law enforcement agencies in the state of Michigan.

Agencies unable to submit complete data by March 1, 2023, will show artificially low crime counts in this report. This may be due to agencies experiencing a disruption in their crime submission process or transition to a new records management system. Users are cautioned against performing trend analysis or ranking agencies/cities, especially for those agencies/cities that indicate a significant increase or decrease in yearly crime counts. When analyzing crime changes, one should consider missing data, population density/composition/stability, urbanization, modes of transportation, economic conditions, cultural characteristics, family cohesiveness, climate, strength and policies of the criminal justice system, and crime reporting practices of the citizenry. 

When used properly, the data provided in this report can significantly contribute to management and planning activities at local, state, and federal levels, especially by state officials, law enforcement agencies, the legislature, and nonprofit organizations. Questions on the proper use of MICR statistics can be directed to the MICR Unit at More information on the MICR program can be found on the MICR website:

Supplemental Reports