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Encryption Work Group

Encryption Work Group

The Michigan Public Safety Interoperable Communications Board (MIPSCIB) has been charged with the responsibility of coordinating interoperable public safety communications in Michigan.  At the request of public safety members, and by the growing demand for a solution to provide more secure radio communications, the MPSCIB has created the Encryption Work Group.  

The Encryption work group is responsible for developing encryption best practices for all users, exploring new encryption strategies & standards and recommending an encryption management plan to the MPSCIB . As a work group our most important goal is to ensuring encryption does not disrupt interoperable communication and that secure communications can co-exist with interoperability.   

The encryption work group will also review new encryption requests that could potentially have a negative impacts and educate MPSCS users on lessons learned from past incidents or events.  

Tim Jones, Chair
Executive Director 
Genesee County 9-1-1 Authority 
G-4481 Corunna Rd. 
Flint, Michigan 48532
Office: 810-732-4720