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State Officers Compensation Commission

State Officers Compensation Commission

Under Article IV, Section 12, of the Michigan Constitution and Public Act 357 of 1968, the State Officers Compensation Commission (SOCC) determines salaries and expense allowances of the governor, lieutenant governor, legislators, justices of the Michigan Supreme Court, attorney general, and secretary of state.

Constitutional and legislative provisions on the SOCC process provide that:

  • The SOCC shall meet not more than 15 days after January 31st every odd-numbered year. 
  • The SOCC shall file its determinations with the clerk of the House, secretary of the Senate, and director of the Department of Management and Budget by June 15th every odd-numbered year.
  • Proposed changes in SOCC determinations over salaries and expense allowances take effect only if the legislature, by concurrent resolution adopted by a majority in each house, approves them. 
  • The house and senate must alternate on which body initiates the resolution on SOCC determinations, with the senate originating the first time in 2009, followed by the house in 2011.  
  • The concurrent resolution may amend the SOCC determinations to reduce the salary and expense allowance by the same proportion for all offices.
  • The legislature cannot reduce salary or expense determinations below the amounts in place when the determinations are made.
  • Once approved by the legislature, salaries and expense allowances become effective for the legislative session immediately following the next general election.

2025 State Officers Compensation Commission

Chair Samuel "Buzz" Thomas III

Ray Basham

Amy Burton

Tom Cochran

Gilda Jacobs

Lawrence P. Nolan

Nancy Quarles

Tentative Meeting Schedule

Public meetings for the State Officers Compensation Commission are typically held at 9:30 a.m. in the lower level of the Capitol Commons Center at 400 S. Pine Street in Lansing.