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Retiree Legal Plan

Benefits for Life: Be Safe, Be Protected, Be Prepared

Legal Plan

New 2023 Plan Enhancement
MetLife Legal Plans will be expanding coverage to offer additional protection for new and current enrollees in the Legal Plan + FraudScout plan. This plan will be changed to Legal Plan + LifeStages Premium. The new coverage will include identity protection, identity restoration, social media monitoring, dark web monitoring, ChildWatch, senior fraud resolution, and more. If you are currently enrolled or newly elect coverage during the 2023 Benefits for Life open enrollment there is no action for you to take. The plan will automatically upgrade as of July 5, 2023. 
Note: There is no change to the basic Legal Plan.


A legal plan for many common personal legal issues.

In today's world, no matter where you are in your life, you are almost certain to experience life events that have potential legal ramifications

With a legal plan from MetLife, you have the professional legal help you need to protect yourself and your loved ones from legal difficulties.

You have the option to participate in the Legal Plan or the Legal Plan + LifeStages Premium. Both plans give you and eligible family members affordable protection for legal expenses and access to experienced attorneys. Both plans provide a full year of legal coverage for a price that many attorneys charge for just one hour of service1Your coverage will be renewed automatically each year and may only be cancelled during a Legal Plan open enrollment.

When using MetLife Legal Plans' Network Attorneys, attorney fees are 100% paid-in-full for most covered matters. You can also choose any attorney you'd like and receive reimbursements up to the scheduled maximums.

Review the Legal Plan descriptions by visiting Locate the section on the right side of the page called "Benefits for Life (BFL) State of Michigan Voluntary Benefit Program for SERS Retirees," then select the drop down "Legal Plan - MetLife Legal Plans."

Legal Plan: Covered Legal Services

  • Telephone advice and office consultations on many personal legal matters
  • Preparation of wills, codicils, living wills, living trusts and powers of attorney
  • Attorney representation for matters such as:
    • Purchase or sale of your primary or secondary residence
    • Divorce (contested and uncontested up to 20 hours per event)
    • Debt collection defense
    • Warranty/contractor issues
  • Online access to our e-panel of attorneys to answer your legal questions, as well access to more than 1,700 self-help documents that are available to members on our website.

Legal Plan + LifeStages Premium: Covered Legal Services

The Legal Plan + LifeStages Premium includes all the benefits of the Legal Plan with the addition of:

  • Proactive identity protection for more than 60 types of personal accounts
  • Triple Bureau Credit Monitoring
  • Social media identity monitoring
  • Dark web monitoring
  • Senior fraud resolution
  • ChildWatch: monitoring suspicious activity of social and personal accounts for dependents up to age 26
  • Identity theft insurance of $2M on any financial account (up from $1M in the base plan). Insurance applies to ID theft for registered parents and in-laws

When may I start using my new network of attorneys?

If you enroll during the 2023 Legal Plan enrollment, you may start using your new Legal Plan on September 1, 2023. Look for your welcome letter to be sent to your home shortly after you enroll. For more information, log in to and create an account to begin setting up your account.

1Group legal plans are administered by MetLife Legal Plans, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio. In California, this entity operates under the name MetLife Legal Insurance Services. In certain states, group legal plans are provided through insurance coverage underwritten by Metropolitan General Insurance Company, Warwick, RI. For complete details of the coverage, call or write the company.