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Retiree Auto and Home Insurance

Benefits for Life: Be Safe, Be Protected, Be Prepared

Auto and Home Insurance

As part of the Benefits for Life program, State of Michigan SERS DB retirees have the opportunity to access discounted auto and home insurance from Farmers GroupSelectSM1 and Liberty Mutual1

A car accident or damage to a home could happen to anyone. You cannot predict these kinds of events, but you can prepare for them with auto and home insurance.

As a State of Michigan SERS DB retiree, you now have access to auto and home insurance coverage available to you from two leading insurance providers, Liberty Mutual Insurance and Farmers GroupSelectSM. You can apply for auto and home insurance and choose the time and money-saving convenience of automatic pension deduction from either carrier.
Sign up to have your auto and home insurance payments deducted directly from your paychecks and:

  • You may qualify for pension deduction discounts
  • Make paying for your insurance premiums easier
  • There is no down payment required with payroll deduction (except in limited cases)
  • Don't worry about writing checks or scheduling payments
  • With pension deduction, there are no fees or interest charges
  • Enjoy this convenient service at no charge

How do I request quotes?
You can either CALL 888-744-7525 to request your premium quotes from Liberty Mutual Insurance and/or Farmers GroupSelectSM, or visit the following websites: and

How do I know which coverages and deductibles are right for me?
Liberty Mutual Insurance and Farmers GroupSelectSM will take the time to explain all the insurance terms and help you make choices to fit your personal situation.

What are my payment options?
There are several convenient billing options, so you can choose what works best for you. Plus, you get special savings when you pay your bill in full or choose one of the automatic payment methods, such as electronic funds transfer. You can choose to:

  • Have your payments deducted automatically from your checking or savings account.
  • Pay monthly, quarterly, or in one lump sum
  • Simplify your life by having your monthly premium payments automatically deducted from your pension.

How do I file a claim?
Contact either Liberty Mutual Insurance or Farmers GroupSelectSM any time by phone, on-line, or via your mobile device.

How can I learn more?
For more information about your auto and home insurance options, call 888-744-7525.

Liberty Mutual Insurance LogoFarmers Logo

1Discounts and savings are available where state laws and regulations allow, and may vary by state. Certain discounts apply to specific coverages only. To the extent permitted by law, applicants are individually underwritten; not all applicants may qualify.

Coverage provided and underwritten by Liberty Mutual Insurance Company or its subsidiaries or affiliates, 175 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA 02116. Learn more about our privacy policy at Discounts and savings are available where state laws and regulations allow, and may vary by state. Certain discounts apply to specific coverages only. To the extent permitted by law, applicants are individually underwritten; not all applicants may qualify. Payroll deduction for affinity employer groups of 100+ members only. Discount filed and approved and varies by state. The program cannot guarantee coverage. A consumer report from a consumer reporting agency and/or a motor vehicle report, on all drivers listed on your policy, may be obtained where state laws and regulations allow. In Texas, coverage provided and underwritten by one or more of the following companies: Liberty Insurance Corporation Liberty Lloyds of Texas Insurance Company, Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Liberty Mutual Personal Insurance Company, and Peerless Indemnity Insurance Company.

©2023 Liberty Mutual Insurance

Program information provided by the following specific insurers seeking to obtain insurance business underwritten by Farmers Property and Casualty Insurance Company and certain of its affiliates: Economy Fire & Casualty Company, Economy Preferred Insurance Company, Farmers Casualty Insurance Company, Farmers Direct Property and Casualty Insurance Company, Farmers Group Property and Casualty Insurance Company, or Farmers Lloyds Insurance Company of Texas, all with administrative home offices in Warwick, RI. List of licenses at Coverage, rates, discounts, and policy features vary by state and product and are available in most states to those who qualify.

Liberty Mutual Insurance and Farmers GroupSelectSM operate independently and are not responsible for each other’s financial obligations.