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LTD Premium Estimator

CY25 Long Term Disability (LTD) Insurance Premium Estimator

Estimate your bi-weekly LTD insurance premium by entering your information in the fields below.

This estimator is not applicable to employees working less than full-time
(e.g., Permanent Intermittent, Part-Time, Job Share, etc.).

Premiums are calculated using the LTD Insurance rate schedule below and are based on an employee's wages and accumulated sick leave balance. The premiums will fluctuate as the wage and sick leave balance change.

Civil Service Commission, Employee Benefits Division
Rates per $100 of Earnings*
Status Employee State
All Employees Except Those Represented by UAW
YIA0: Less than 184 hours sick leave Plan I $1.37 $0.70
YIA1: 184-527 hours sick leave Plan IIA $0.35 $0.70
YIA2: 528 hours or more sick leave Plan IIB $0.00 $0.70
YIA3: Reach Plan II (YIA1) but now less than 184 hours sick leave Plan IIC $1.14 $0.70
Employees represented by UAW
YIA0: Less than 184 hours sick leave Plan I $1.94 $0.96
YIA1: 184-527 hours sick leave Plan IIA $0.52 $0.96
YIA2: 528 hours or more sick leave Plan IIB $0.00 $0.96
YIA3: Reach Plan II (YIA1) but now less than 184 hours sick leave Plan IIC $1.63 $0.96
Calculation of Employee Contribution:
Calculation of Employee Contribution:
Bi-weekly Contribution = Hourly Rate times 2088, divided by 26, divided by 100, times the Employee Rate per Plan (I, IIA, IIB, or IIC)
*Benefits are subject to maximums as defined in the LTD Plan Booklet