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Individual Assistance

Individual Assistance

ESP Counselors provide professional and confidential assistance to State of Michigan employees and their eligible family members. From time to time, any one of us can use an objective viewpoint or professional perspective in resolving personal, family, or work concerns and ESP can be a source of support and information.

When working with an ESP Counselor they will listen and assist in clarifying your concerns. They will work with you to identify options, resources, and services that may be helpful for your situation. Together you will develop an individualized action plan where recommendations are discussed and decided upon. Follow-up contacts will be provided by the ESP Counselor to ensure you were able to receive the desired services, and to see if additional assistance is needed.

  • ESP services are confidential (ESP Confidentiality Policy). Supervisors are not notified of your contact with ESP unless you have given your consent to do so. ESP client files are not created in State of Michigan software, and are not part of your personnel file.
  • ESP services are provided to you at no cost.
  • ESP services are provided both in-person and by telephone in order to better serve the entire State of Michigan workforce. When you call ESP during office hours you will usually speak with a counselor at the time of your call, and always if your call is urgent.
  • ESP does not provide mental health or substance abuse treatment. If a treatment referral is requested or part of the action plan, the ESP Counselor can assist you with the entire process of identifying, screening and connecting with treatment providers on your insurance plan network. Costs for these services are typically covered by your employee health benefit plan.