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Intermittent Leave FAQs

  • An Intermittent Leave or a Reduced Schedule Leave allows you to continue to work, but you are approved to take specified time off work for appointments, episodic flare-ups, or patient care due to a serious health condition. 

    An Intermittent Leave or Reduced Schedule Leave may only be approved under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). 

    This leave is requested when you or your immediate family member (spouse, child, or parent) has a qualifying condition under the FMLA.

  • You may be eligible for FMLA Intermittent Leave or Reduced Schedule Leave if you have been employed by the state for one year (does not have to be continuous), and physically worked 1,250 hours during the previous 12 months, and not exhausted your FMLA entitlement. You may request an Intermittent Leave or Reduced Schedule Leave:

    • When medically necessary for your serious health condition or the serious health condition of your spouse, parent or child, or
    • For a qualifying exigency out of the current active duty status or call to duty of your spouse, parent or child.
  • To request an Intermittent Leave or Reduced Schedule Leave, you will need to:

    • Complete and submit the (CS-1845) Application for Leave of Absence form to the Disability Management Unit (DMU).
    • You must include the reason for the leave, the start and duration of your leave and how you would like to use your leave credits during the leave.

    For your personal illness, your health care provider will need to complete and submit the (CS-1837) Medical Certification of Employee's Serious Health Condition form to the DMU. This form medically substantiates your need for the leave and provides the medical details of your time off. For a family member’s illness, have the family member’s health care provider must complete the (CS-1839) Family Member’s Serious Health Condition form which must be submitted to the DMU.
    Once the DMU receives the required forms, they will be used to evaluate your request.

    Completed forms may be faxed or mailed to the DMU:
    Fax:  517-241-6898
    Mail: Disability Management, PO Box 30831, Lansing, MI 48909

    Follow your department’s normal call in procedures. Once the DMU receives your application and medical certification, you and your supervisor will be notified by email and mail of the status of your leave request.

    If you must start your intermittent leave or reduced schedule leave earlier than anticipated, you should contact the DMU as soon as practicably possible at 877-443-6362, option 1.

    Untimely notice or incomplete forms may delay the processing of your request.

  • If you are approved for an Intermittent Leave or Reduced Schedule Leave, then only the amount of leave actually taken may be counted toward the FMLA entitlement. Your Intermittent Leave or a Reduced Schedule Leave may be approved for up to 6 months or until your entitlement is exhausted, based on the medical certification provided by the physician. 

    If your FMLA-qualifying condition lasts longer than 6 months, you will be required to recertify the need for leave by submitting an updated medical certification to the Disability Management Unit.

  • No. If you are ineligible for FMLA or if you have exhausted your FMLA entitlement, you cannot take an unpaid Intermittent Leave or a Reduced Schedule Leave. Any absences must be approved by your supervisor and covered by appropriate leave credits. 

    If you have a disability under the Americans With Disabilities Act and need an accommodation to perform the essential functions of your job, notify your supervisor or contact your human resources office or department ADA coordinator for assistance. 

  • Yes. If the FMLA-qualifying condition lasts longer than 6 months, you will be required to recertify the need for leave by submitting updated medical certification to the Disability Management Unit.

  • If you haven't exhausted your FMLA entitlement and require more time off than has been approved, you must obtain an updated medical statement from the health care provider and submit it to the Disability Management Unit (DMU) to support the need for additional time off or continuation of the Reduced Schedule Leave.

    If the medical condition changes, the Intermittent Leave or Reduced Schedule Leave authorization will need to be updated by submitting a new Certification of Employee's Serious Health Condition for personal illness or Certification of Family Member's Serious Health Condition for family member completed by the health care provider to the DMU.

  • No. Once you exhaust your FMLA entitlement, you must resume your regular work schedule and any absences must be approved by your supervisor and covered by appropriate leave credits. 

    If you have a disability under the Americans With Disabilities Act and need an accommodation to perform the essential functions of your job, notify your supervisor or contact your Human Resources Office or department ADA Coordinator for assistance.

  • Generally, no. When your Intermittent Leave or a Reduced Schedule Leave expires, you are not required to submit a doctor’s release to return to work full duty, however if a reasonable safety concern exists, the Employer may notify you of the requirement of a fitness for duty certification before you are returned from intermittent FMLA leave.   

  • For leave due to a personal illness or medical condition:

    • You must exhaust your sick leave credits before going on an unpaid time off. 
    • You may use other leave credits to remain on payroll.
    • For leave due to your family member's illness or medical condition:
      • Review your collective bargaining agreement, or
      • contact the Disability Management Unit (DMU) for specifics on using leave credits during an Intermittent Leave or Reduced Schedule Leave.

    For questions on using leave credits, contact the DMU by phone at 877-443-6362, option 1. The DMU is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

  • To determine if your Reduced Schedule Leave is eligible for coverage under LTD, you must contact Sedgwick at 800-324-9901.

  • Yes. Intermittent Leave or a Reduced Schedule Leave may be used to care for a spouse, child, or parent. 

    See Family Care Leave FAQs.

  • Intermittent or reduced schedule parental leave may only be taken with the Employer's approval.

    See Parental Leave FAQs.

  • If approved for Intermittent Leave or a Reduced Schedule Leave, you will need to:

    • Provide your supervisor with a list of scheduled appointments. Under FMLA, you must work with your supervisor to schedule the treatment or appointments so as not to unduly disrupt the employer's operations.
    • Notify your supervisor while reporting your absence that the time off is under your FMLA approval. If more than one medical condition exists or you have been approved for more than one leave type (e.g., personal illness and family care), please refer to the leave type when reporting your absence.
  • In SIGMA, enter your absences under your FMLA Intermittent Leave or Reduced Schedule Leave as follows:

    • FMSL       sick leave time
    • FMAL       annual leave time
    • FMBL       bank leave time
    • FMCM      comp time
    • FMHL       holiday time
    • FMLA       unpaid time

    Comments must be entered in SIGMA to record the reason for the absence as follows:

    • Personal Illness
      • FMLA-Appointment
      • FMLA-Episode
    • Family Care
      • FMLA-Family Episode
      • FMLA-Family Appointment
  • Disability Management Unit is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  Contact them by phone at 877-443-6362, option 1

    You may also fax documentation to 517-241-6898.