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Graduation and Dropout Information

Graduation and Dropout Information

This page provides district users and ISD auditors information about the Graduation and Dropout Review process in the Michigan Student Data System and the Graduation and Dropout Application.

The review process includes the Appealable Rates Window and Exit Status Audit Window to allow districts and auditors to review and update graduation and dropout information. See below for actions that can be taken to adjust graduation and dropout information during these windows.

After the end of the Exit Status Audit Window, no further changes to graduation and dropout rate data are allowed.


District Users:

  • Ongoing: Submit UIC linking requests in MSDS.
  • Appealable Rates Window:
    • Review the Cohort Student List for the current and previous two years in MSDS.
    • Submit corrections or updates in the SRM Collection for the calculation of four-, five- and six-year rates.
    • Ensure all end-of-summer graduates are reported in SRM no later than the close of the Appealable Rates Window (if they were not reported in the most recent EOY General Collection).
    • Only your ISD auditor can make exit status updates for students who exited prior to the current school year, as these data have been previously audited. Submit proper documentation to your auditor; they will submit an audit finding when the GAD exit status audit window opens in October.
    • Submit any necessary cohort change requests in MSDS.
      • If you reported a student in an incorrect grade during the most recent school year that placed the student in the wrong cohort year, there must be corresponding submission records to support the change request. (I.e., the student must be reported in the correct grade in at least one certified collection.)
    • Mid-August: Review Appealable Graduation and Dropout Rates in GAD.
      • Check rates for all buildings and ensure each student's cohort status is correct. Make necessary changes in MSDS as noted above.
  • Exit Status Audit Window: Review Auditable Graduation and Dropout Rates in GAD.
    • Check rates for all buildings and ensure each student's cohort status is correct. If further changes are necessary, submit supporting documentation to your ISD auditor.
  • February: Preview Final Rates in MI School Data.
    • Final Graduation Rates will be available for internal preview. No further changes to the rates will be allowed.

ISD Auditors:

  • Exit Status Audit Window: Perform Cyclical Exit Status Audit in GAD, per the MDE Pupil Auditing manual. Enter any findings in GAD.