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How to Transfer Records

Kodak carousels of 80 slot slide trays on a shelf labeled "DNR Collection."

How to Transfer Records

Contact | Transfer Forms | Labels and Transferring Records

Transferring records to the Archives of Michigan is an essential function of the archives and is the first step in creating access to state government records. While the process is straightforward, it may be daunting to those who have not transferred records before. Below is a step-by-step outline detailing the transfer process. 


Every records transfer is different, and some agencies may require more information prior to transferring their materials. If you have questions regarding confidentiality, or related to retention and disposition schedules, or if you are new to the process and need some extra help, you can reach out to arrange a meeting over the phone, over Teams or in person to talk with an archivist about your records. You can contact the government records team at to request further information or set up a meeting.

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Transfer Forms

The first step in transferring records is to complete a transfer form. Depending on if the records are digital or paper this process may be slightly different. For an example and instructions see this sample form.


For paper records, list one box or volume on each line of the from. For each box or folder, list a brief description of the records, the date span (MM/YYYY or YYYY) of the records, and the appropriate Retention and Disposition Schedule item number. Maintain the original order of your filing system when packing. When possible, please list the records by the record series, then chronologically or alphabetically as applicable. Use a pencil to temporarily number each box on the top right corner of the front side.


For digital/electronic records, list one top-level folder on each line of the form. For each top-level folder, list a brief description of the records, the date span of the records, and the appropriate Retention and Disposition Schedule item number. Maintain the original order of your filing system. When possible, please list the records by the record series, then chronologically or alphabetically as applicable. Once the form is completed with all records to be transferred, send the from to the government records team at for review. After the archives transfer form is reviewed by the government records team, we will contact you regarding next steps in the transfer process.

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Labels and Transferring Records

After the transfer form is finalized, the archivists will prepare box labels and send them to your office contact via Interdepartmental (ID) Mail. Depending on the number of boxes to be transferred your department may need to coordinate with DTMB Freight services to transfer the records.

For digital files the archivists will work with your office to transfer the records through SOM cloud options or external media.

Once the records have arrived at the archives and have been accessioned, an archivist will provide a finalized copy of the transfer form for your records. 

For any questions about the transfer process, reach out to our email and we will be happy to assist you in the transfer process.

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