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Archivist Jason Schultz digitization fragile inter-county drain documents.


Research Services

Not able to travel to the Archives? Staff at the Archives of Michigan can help you research certain kinds of records for a fee.

Archives of Michigan staff can certify, verify, or notarize records as needed for an additional cost.


Looking to obtain reproductions of photographs or audiovisual material at the Archives of Michigan? Reach out to archives staff via phone or email.

Alternatives to the Online Store

  • If you do not wish to use our online store, you can submit a research request by mail. All research requests must be prepaid. You can determine the cost for research services on our online store. Mailed requests should be send to the address below and the check should be made payable to the Archives of Michigan.

    Mailing Address

    Archives of Michigan
    702 W Kalamazoo
    Lansing, MI 48912

  • If you are interested in records outside the scope of our research services, you may need to hire a local researcher. You can access a list of local researchers through the Association of Professional Genealogists. The Archives of Michigan assumes no responsibility for the work of outside researchers.