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Michigan Infrastructure Office Launches Technical Assistance Program to Help Bring More Federal Infrastructure Funding to Local Communities


January 26, 2023


Michigan Infrastructure Office Launches Technical Assistance Program to Help Bring More Federal Infrastructure Funding to Local Communities

LANSING, Mich. – Today, the Michigan Infrastructure Office (MIO) announced the launch of a $25 million technical assistance program designed to help local communities land up to $150 million federal infrastructure funding. The program will provide technical assistance, planning, and matching grants to connect local or Tribal governments, road commissions, and transit agencies with consulting services to help identify, apply for, manage and administer federal grant funding.

“We want to make sure we are doing all we can to get more federal infrastructure dollars to our local communities,” said Governor Whitmer. “More investment in infrastructure projects across the state will mean better roads and bridges, faster internet, an improved power grid and safe water for all Michiganders.”

“The launch of this program will be critical to making sure federal funding for infrastructure is smartly invested across Michigan,” said Zachary Kolodin, Michigan’s Chief Infrastructure Officer. “As our Governor stated, infrastructure will be a renewed focus for this year, and the technical assistance program will only further this commitment and help increase accessibility to federal resources for more communities throughout the state.”

The technical assistance program is in line with Governor Gretchen Whitmer's mandate to ensure state government supports infrastructure across Michigan and invests federal funding as effectively and efficiently as possible to fix roads and bridges, create accessible and efficient transit, expand high-speed internet, install lead-free pipes, improve and clean up our electric grid, and build a statewide electric vehicle charging network. 

The technical assistance program allows eligible recipients and MiDeal Extended Purchasing Program members to first receive consulting services on a fast-track, as-needed basis, and then get reimbursed from the MIO for those approved services. Selected contractors will perform consulting services, grant identification, project management, grant writing and administration. Applications for technical assistance opens in February.

For more information about the MIO, please visit


The Michigan Infrastructure Office (MIO) is responsible for organizing and executing Governor Whitmer’s vision for infrastructure, coordinating across state government, marshaling resources, and partnering with local officials, federal partners, and outside stakeholders to ensure resources sent to Michigan through BIL, also known as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), are used efficiently and effectively.
