TSSC19 Grant Topics - Auditing
Auditing Teacher and Support Staff COVID-19 Excel Template Data
The Michigan Department of Treasury Department is auditing the TSSC19 Excel Template Data submitted by the schools for eligibility and to determine whether individuals have been assigned the correct teacher or support staff grant type.
The state Treasury Department will be reviewing school submissions and contacting school districts and nonprofit nonpublic schools to address eligibility questions that need clarification. Please promptly reply to requests so the state Treasury Department can issue the grants timely.
Items that the state Treasury Department will be reviewing include:
- Verification of a sample of individual’s certification of Form 5734, Teacher and Support Staff COVID-19 Grants Certification
- Clarification on the eligibility for both grant programs
- Review of foreign addresses
Data trend: Individuals Assigned to Incorrect Grant Program
After an initial review of the submitted TSSC19 Grant Excel Templates, the state Treasury Department has noticed that some school districts and nonprofit public schools have assigned individuals to the incorrect grant program.
Specifically, there are some records where individuals have been assigned to receive a support staff grant when eligible for a teacher grant, as well as vice versa.
For those records in question, the state Treasury Department is using the Center for Educational Performance and Information (CEPI) Registry of Educational Personnel (REP) codes to verify and determine which grant program – teacher or support staff – will be assigned to individuals for the February payments.
At this time, no action is needed by school districts and nonprofit nonpublic schools. The state Treasury Department’s Audit Team will review these codes and contact school personnel directly if clarification is needed.
Please do not contact the state Treasury Department or CEPI with any TSSC19 Excel Template amendments. Additionally, school districts and nonprofit public schools are not to submit any TSSC19 Excel Templates with CEPI REP code changes.
Examples of REP Code Issues and Actions
Below is a summary of those REP codes and their associated grant program the state Treasury Department is using in for TSSC19 grant determination:
- General Education: “000AX” through “000ZZ” - most of these codes qualify for the teacher grant. Two codes (000ND and 000NT) apply to both grants, and additional information is needed from the schools to determine what grant the individuals qualify to receive. Treasury Audit will reach out to schools in January to obtain this information.
- Special Education: “00192” through “00407” - these codes are a mixture of Special Education and Non-Instructional Codes. In addition, codes within this REP range qualify for both the teacher and support staff grants, and some codes do not qualify for either grant dependent upon the assignment description of the code. Those that are teaching positions qualify for the teacher grant, those that are non-instructional qualify for the support staff grant, and those that are pre-K or virtual mentor positions do not qualify for either grant.
- Career and Technical Education: “00500” through “00599” - these codes all qualify for the teacher grant.
- Early Childhood and Parenting: “60100” through “60700” - these codes do not qualify for either grant.
- Administrative: “70000” through “79999” - these codes do not qualify for either grant.
- Paraprofessionals/Aides: “80001” through “80005”; “00403” through “00406” and “00407”; “00410” through “00413”; “80014” and “80016”; “60500” and “60501” - these are a mixture of Paraprofessional/Aides and Special Education Codes. Some qualify for the support staff grant and those that are pre-K codes do not qualify for either grant.?
- Non-Instructional/Non-Certified Assignments: “81500” through “93000" and "94200" through "99900” - these codes qualify for the support staff grant.
- Student Worker Assignment: "93100" - code does not qualify for either grant.