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Grant Programs for Local Governments

Treasury administers grants that aid in building vibrant communities. Through our engagement efforts, Treasury provides the resources needed for communities, groups, and individuals to grow together and grow stronger. The Bureau of Local Government and School Services continues to work towards being a Trusted Partner and provide the necessary resources for communities to thrive.

Grant Year

Grant Name

Grant Description

Grant Period

Grant Page

MI Local Retirement Grant Program

The MI Local Retirement Grant program was created to help provide relief to the local units of government with the most significant burden from qualified pension and retirement health benefit systems on their annual budget and revenues. Under the Fiscal Year 2023-24 budget, the Michigan Department of Treasury (Treasury) was appropriated $35 million to establish and operate a grant program that provides the most substantial relief to local units of government that experience the greatest burden from qualified pension and retirement health benefit systems on their annual budget and revenues.

MI Fire Equipment Grant Program

The MI Fire Equipment Grant has been established to provide funding for the purchase of fire equipment for our part time, on call or volunteer firefighters.  Under Fiscal Year 2023-23 Budget, the Michigan Department Treasury was appropriated $12 million to establish and operate a grant program to qualified local units of government.  Grant awards are not to exceed $10,000 for eligible Departments and will be administered in a similar form and manner as previous grant programs with stakeholder engagement. 

Protecting MI Pension Grant Program

The Protecting MI Pension Program was created to help Michigan’s underfunded municipal pension systems. Under the Fiscal Year 2022-23 budget, the Michigan Department of Treasury (Treasury) was appropriated $750 million to establish and operate a local unit municipal pension principal payment grant program for qualified retirement systems with a funded ratio below 60%, as defined in the Protecting Local Government Retirement and Benefits Act, Public Act 202 of 2017.

First Responder Training and Recruitment Grants

First Responder Training and Recruitment Grant Program supports the efforts of local governments to expand recruitment, improve training, and provide additional professional development and support to first responders in local governments. More than 60 Michigan communities are receiving grant awards from the $5 million grant program.

American Rescue Plan Act of 2021

The Federal Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (CLFRF) was established under section 9901 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA). The fund provides substantial funding to local governments by either federal direct payments to Metropolitan Cities and Counties or state payments to Non-Entitlement Units of Local Government (NEUs).

MI Classroom Heroes: GSRP, Head Start, Adult Education, and Young Adult Special Education COVID-19 Grant

Pursuant to Public Act 257 of 2020, legislation was passed that appropriated funding for the GSRP, Head Start, Adult Education, and Young Adult Special Education Teachers COVID-19 Grant Program. This program provides grants to eligible GSRP, head start, adult education, young adult special education classroom teachers in a district or nonprofit nonpublic school spent outside of normal working hours and additional costs classroom teachers have incurred or experienced to provide a continuity of learning during the period of school closure in 2019-2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

MI Classroom Heroes: Teacher COVID-19 Grant

The Teacher COVID-19 Grant program was created by Public Act 166 of 2020 to recognize the additional time classroom teachers in a district or nonprofit nonpublic school spent outside of normal working hours and additional costs classroom teachers have incurred or experienced to provide a continuity of learning during the period of school closure in 2019-2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The program was funded under Article 5, Section 949p for grants to eligible K-12 classroom teachers.

MI Classroom Heroes: School Support COVID-19 Grant

The School Support COVID-19 Grant program was created by Public Act 166 of 2020 for grants to eligible K-12 school support staff to recognize the additional time spent outside of normal working hours, hazardous conditions, and additional costs school support staff have incurred or experienced to provide services to students during the period of school closure in 2019-2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Please note if you work for a nonprofit nonpublic school, you are not eligible for this grant. The program was funded under Article 5, Section 949q for grants to eligible K-12 school support staff.