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What costs does Reconnect cover?

Costs Reconnect Covers

Reconnect will ensure that when you get your semester bill from the community college, the following items will be free to you:

  • In-district tuition - Free
  • Mandatory fees (fees charged to all students per semester or per hour) - Free
  • Contact hours (extra charges for certain courses and programs) - Free

Reconnect is a last-dollar program, which means that any Pell grant funds you receive are applied to your tuition and fees bill first, with Reconnect paying what’s not covered by Pell.  If you don’t qualify for a Pell grant, Reconnect will pay the full cost of tuition, mandatory fees, and contact hours.


Costs Reconnect Does Not Cover

Even as a Reconnect student, you will be responsible for the following items.

  • Out of district tuition costs.
    • If you live outside the district of the community college you plan to attend, your tuition bill will have an out-of-district tuition charge on it.
    • Reconnect only pays the in-district tuition for any of Michigan’s public community colleges, so you will be responsible for covering the difference between the in-district and out-of-district tuition of the community college you plan to attend if you live out of their district and if you do not have other scholarships or awards to cover the difference. 
    • Check with the community college you plan to attend to see if you are considered in-district or out-of-district, and how you can cover the out-of-district cost if needed.  
    • Attending your local community college is the best way to ensure free tuition.
  • Application and graduation/commencement fees
  • Lab fees and course-specific fees
  • Fees not charged to all students (i.e., parking fees, fitness center, athletic fees, non-mandatory fees, etc.)
  • Textbooks and other course materials

When applying to a college, ask them to estimate these costs that are not covered by Reconnect to avoid any surprises when you receive your first bill.