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5.02: Guidelines for reporting different categories of school employees

5.02: Guidelines for reporting different categories of school employees

When you report service hours, submit the actual number of hours worked where your employee received wages. The hours must reasonably reflect the wages reported. Neither the hours or the wages can be inflated. If they are, the record won't pass the edits and validations. See Chapter 14: Programming for more information about edits and validations.

Your employees can generally be classified into the following categories:

  • Hourly workers (including temporary and/or intermittent employees).
  • Salaried personnel.
  • K-12 and intermediate school district teachers and other employees paid by contract.
  • Full-and part-time faculty in community colleges and universities.
  • Bus drivers paid by the run.
  • Employees earning additional wages and/or hours.

Last updated: 04/13/2012