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11.00: Final payroll details (FPDs)

11.00: Final payroll details (FPDs)

This chapter explains final payroll details (FPDs) and how to submit the FPD for a retiring employee.

An (FPD) is the final step in reporting for an employee who is retiring. The information provided in an FPD is critical for the accurate calculation of each member's pension. Reporting units provide this information electronically using the links found in the Retirement Applicants section on the Employer Reporting website.

Once a retiring member's application has been set up in the ORS system, the member's name and the last four digits of his or her Social Security number will appear on the Retirement Applicants section. The member's name will become an active hyperlink to the final payroll detail 45 days before their retirement effective date.

Sections 11.01 - 11.04.02 provide step-by-step instructions for completing FPDs. For more help, see:

Last updated: 04/02/2021