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Take action

Three community members with posters at a park, presenting information to other community members

Take action

There are many ways you can take action to protect yourself and your community from PFAS. Continue reading to find some ways you can start. 

Protect your drinking water

A screen capture of water well viewer showing wells in the Saginaw Bay area

Research your well

Having a private residential well means you are responsible for your own water system. This includes taking care of and knowing the history of your well. Wellogic is a portal that provides an easy and efficient method to look up your well information.

How to use Wellogic
A PFAS home sampling kit set out on a kitchen counter next to a sink

Sample your private well

For private residential well owners, the first way to protect yourself from PFAS is to sample your well. Follow our detailed home sampling guidance to test your drinking water.

Options for home sampling
A reverse osmosis (RO) water filtration system

Home filters

If you have a private residential well, an in-home filtration system can help filter natural impurities (such as iron) and manmade contaminants (such as PFOS and PFOA). 

Choosing a filter
MPART PFAS geographic information system preview

Find PFAS sites in your area

A PFAS site is a location where PFAS has been found in groundwater in amounts that exceed Michigan's groundwater cleanup criteria, and the property is known to be the source. As Michigan continues to identify sites, they are added to the MPART website.

Open our interactive map
person showing glass of water, focus on glass of water

Perform well maintenance

Taking care of your water well is important; your family’s health depends on it. Understanding how your private residential well works will help you maintain your water system. 

Care for MiWell
A green and white water tower with "EL" for East Lansing on it, standing tall against a bright blue sky

Don't have a private well?

Approximately 75% of Michigan residents get water from a public water supply. If you receive a water bill, your water likely comes from a public water supply. MPART has sampled all public water supplies to gain a baseline understanding of supplies throughout the state.  

Find the latest results

More ways to reduce your exposure

Avoiding PFAS in consumer products

You could also be exposed to PFAS from every-day household items such as carpeting, cosmetics, and cleaning products. Switching to PFAS-free products can reduce your daily exposure to PFAS and reduces the amount of PFAS entering the environment. 

By using PFAS-free products, Michiganders can help protect the environment and send a message to companies that consumers no longer want products containing PFAS. 

Learn what to look for

In your community

MPART Citizen's Advisory Workgroup

If you live in a community impacted by PFAS, consider becoming a member of the Citizen’s Advisory Workgroup to help keep your community informed. 

More about the workgroup

Clean Water Ambassadors

The Clean Water Ambassador Initiative is a statewide effort designed to improve education and communication concerning water quality in Michigan. Ambassadors play an important role in spreading information about drinking water in their community and ensuring that drinking water programs and resources are accessible and effective.

Ambassadors are invited to attend monthly meetings, share information via social media or other channels, and learn about drinking water issues. Ambassadors are also kept up to date on emerging legislation, conferences, and water infrastructure funding opportunities.

More about the Ambassador program

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Updates include notifications of new sites and areas of interest, upcoming community engagement opportunities, relevant press releases from state agencies, and new information being posted to the website.