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Tri-City Recycling and Disposal Facility - Messman Site (Carsonville, Sanilac County)

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Please contact the Site Lead for the most up-to-date status of this site.

EGLE site lead

Lori Babcock, or 989-460-7352.

Waste Disposal Questions

Tri-City Recycling and Disposal Facility – Messman Site: 810-657-9313


The Messman Site is located at 426 North Ruth Road and is a closed, unlined landfill located immediately to the northeast of the active Tri-City Recycling and Disposal Facility (Tri-City RDF). On May 12, 1989, a consent order was entered for the liable party to address groundwater contamination sourced from the Messman Site. A slurry wall was constructed around the Messman Site to limit the migration of leachate from the landfill cell. Tri-City RDF owns the Messman Site property and semi-annually samples the Messman Site groundwater monitoring wells and maintains the landfill cover. In May 2019, EGLE requested that Tri-City RDF sample the Messman Site monitoring wells for PFAS contaminants due to historical Part 201 exceedances of metals.

Groundwater generally flows to the north-northeast, toward the Black River. Receptors of concern are the Black River and nearby residential drinking water wells downgradient of the Messman Site.

Content posted February 2021.

Site map

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Drinking water

There are nearby residential drinking water wells in the area. There is no alternative water source at this time.

Anticipated activities

EGLE will request additional groundwater monitoring at the wells downgradient of the Messman Site. EGLE is working with the Sanilac County Health Department to identify all residential wells within one-half mile downgradient of the Messman Site for potential drinking water sampling.

Historical timeline

    • On November 14, 2019, Tri-City sampled three groundwater monitoring wells around the Messman Site for PFAS analysis.
    • On February 14, 2020, EGLE received the sample results.  PFAS contamination was found in monitoring well TC-110A.  The result was 10 ppt PFOA and 18 ppt PFOS.  The other two groundwater samples were non-detect for PFOA and PFOS.
    • In October 2020, EGLE sent consent forms for residential PFAS testing to homes in the area downgradient of the Messman Site. To date, EGLE has not received any signed consent forms granting permission for residential well sampling.

    Sampling Results Summary: PFOS and PFOA Only

    Type of Sample

    Date Sampled (or Range)

    Numberof Sample Results Received

    Number of Samples above Criteria

    Groundwater Monitoring Wells

    November 14, 2019 3 0
    * Residential well and groundwater monitoring well results are compared to EGLE Part 201 criteria for 7 PFAS compounds:  PFOS (16 ppt), PFOA (8 ppt), PFNA (6 ppt), PFHxS (51 ppt), PFHxA (400,000 ppt), PFBS (420 ppt), and HFPO-DA (370 ppt).

    Sampling Notes

    • None at this time.