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Saginaw Malleable Iron (Saginaw, Saginaw County)

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Please contact the Site Lead for the most up-to-date status of this site.

EGLE site lead

Andrew Karg, or 989-891-6948.


The Saginaw Malleable Iron (SMI), facility is located at 77 West Center Street and was a former automotive foundry that operated for close to 100 years. The property is over 300 acres in size and contains numerous former operational areas, including the foundation of the former plant, a railroad area, and landfill areas. Manufacturing activities included metal casting and heat treating. Due to prior use of the property, EGLE requested the responsible party (RACER Trust) to sample several on-site monitoring wells for PFAS analysis.

The former SMI facility is located directly adjacent to the Saginaw River. The property contains a storm water pond, secondary pond, and numerous wetlands. The groundwater flow direction in the former plant area is east toward the Saginaw River. The primary groundwater flow direction in the vicinity of the landfill is east toward the river, but also flows south and west toward several surrounding wetland areas.

Content posted May 2022.

Site map

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Drinking water

There are no drinking water wells located on-site. A deed restriction has been filed for the site that prohibits construction of future drinking water wells. A few residential wells were identified within a 1-mile radius of the site, however, PFAS is not expected in the vicinity of the homes based on the monitoring wells sampled nearest the homes. Additional monitoring wells have been sampled to confirm this. EGLE previously confirmed municipal water service is available to all the homes in the area.

Anticipated activities

EGLE staff will continue to review PFAS results as they are received to determine what future actions may be needed. A few residential wells were identified within a 1-mile radius of the site, however, PFAS is not expected in the vicinity of the homes based on the monitoring wells sampled nearest the homes. Additional monitoring wells have been sampled to confirm this. EGLE previously confirmed municipal water service is available to all the homes in the area.

Historical timeline