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Peoples Landfill (Birch Run,  Saginaw County)

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Please contact the Site Lead for the most up-to-date status of this site.

EGLE site lead

Lori Babcock, or 989-460-7352.

Waste Disposal Questions

Peoples Landfill: 800-963-4776


Peoples Landfill, located at 4143 East Rathbun Road, has areas that are lined and others that are unlined. The unlined portion was originally licensed under the Garbage and Refuse Act of 1965, which is Act 87. Monitoring wells downgradient of the unlined area currently or previously exceeded state criteria for one of the following: ammonia, chloride, iron, manganese, sodium, sulfate. In late 2008, EGLE approved a Remedial Action Plan to address groundwater contamination from the unlined area. Peoples Landfill constructed a slurry wall along the southern edge of the landfill to limit the migration of contaminated groundwater off-site. As part of a statewide landfill initiative, EGLE requested Peoples Landfill to sample for PFAS in the unlined area of the landfill.

Groundwater flows generally to the south, toward the Silver Creek. Potential receptors include the Silver Creek and residential wells within 0.5 miles of the unlined area.

Content posted June 2021.

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Drinking water

The area immediately surrounding Peoples Landfill has homes with municipal drinking water and/or residential drinking water wells.

Anticipated activities

EGLE will request additional monitoring for PFAS at Peoples Landfill.

Historical timeline

    • On November 13, 2019, Peoples Landfill sampled one surface water location and three groundwater monitoring wells downgradient of the unlined area for PFAS.
    • On February 14, 2020, EGLE received the sample results.  Monitoring well MW-101 and MW-102 had detections of PFOA at 12 ppt in each well.  The surface water sample collected was below criteria.
    • In October 2020, EGLE sent residential PFAS testing consent forms to four homes in the immediate area downgradient of the site for residential well sampling.
    • On December 15, 2020, EGLE's contractor collected samples from residential wells located downgradient of Peoples Landfill were sampled for PFAS constituents.
    • On December 22, 2020, EGLE received the results from a December 15, 2020 residential PFAS sampling event. PFAS were not detected in the residential wells.
    • On April 7, 2021, EGLE approved a work plan developed by People's Landfill to continue sampling at two monitoring wells and one surface water location where PFAS were previously detected.

    Sampling Results Summary: PFOS and PFOA Only

    This table was updated to include all seven PFAS Criteria Effective 12/21/2020.

    Type of Sample

    Date Sampled (or Range)

    Numberof Sample Results Received

    Number of Samples Above PFOS Criteria

    Groundwater Monitoring Wells

    November 13, 2019 3 2
    Surface Water November 13, 2019 1 0
    Residential Wells November 13, 2019 2 0
    * Residential well and groundwater monitoring well results are compared to EGLE Part 201 criteria for 7 PFAS compounds:  PFOS (16 ppt), PFOA (8 ppt), PFNA (6 ppt), PFHxS (51 ppt), PFHxA (400,000 ppt), PFBS (420 ppt), and HFPO-DA (370 ppt).

    * Surface water samples are compared to Rule 57 non-drinking water values of 12 ppt for PFOS and 12,000 ppt for PFOA. 

    Sampling Notes

    • None at this time.