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Delphi Saginaw Division Plant 2 (Saginaw, Saginaw County)
Please contact the Site Lead for the most up-to-date status of this site.
EGLE site lead
Andrew Karg, or (989) 891-6948.
Delphi Saginaw Division Plant 2 located at 1400 Holmes Street, was built in 1941 to support World War II (WWII). Initially the plant was used to manufacture machine guns and then automotive and truck steering system components after WWII. Fourteen underground storage tanks (USTs) were used to store various oils used for manufacturing. Several subsurface investigations have been completed on-site including multiple phases of drilling and groundwater sampling. Remedial actions completed on-site include plant decommissioning and demolition, filling or cleaning of site sewers, and groundwater collection, treatment and disposal.
Volatile organic compound (VOC) contamination has been identified in the soil and groundwater at this site. In 2019, PFAS was identified in groundwater on a property immediately next to this site (though no monitoring wells were above criteria). Due to that and Delphi's prior industrial use, EGLE requested groundwater sampling for PFAS at the Delphi Plant 2 site. The current owner, Delphi Property Holdings Trust (DPH Trust), agreed and groundwater was first sampled for PFAS in May 2019. One groundwater sample, collected within 100 feet of the southern property boundary in September 2019, identified a combined PFOA and PFOS concentration just above criteria.
Groundwater at the site primarily flows south-southwest toward a wetland that connects to the Tittabawassee River. The Tittabawassee and Shiawassee Rivers meet to create the Saginaw River, which is located approximately 2,000 feet east of the property.
Content posted November 2020.
Site map
See an aerial view of the location of the site.
Drinking water
All residents in the area surrounding the former plant are serviced by a municipal water system.
Anticipated activities
DPH Trust will begin collecting post injection sampling in November 2020 and will provide EGLE the results when available. EGLE anticipates receiving an annual report in early 2021.
Historical timeline