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Roscommon County Landfill (Roscommon, Roscommon County)

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Please contact the Site Lead for the most up-to-date status of this site.

EGLE site lead

John Ozoga, or 231-429-1718


The Roscommon County Landfill (Landfill), located at 3401 Landfill Road, began operations in the late 1970’s and was closed in the mid-1990’s. Some portions of the Landfill are unlined and other portions are lined. The entire waste fill area is capped with either clay or PVC liners. The Landfill is located on land owned by the state of Michigan and was operated by Roscommon County. A Remedial Action Plan, approved August 1994, requires Roscommon County to conduct groundwater monitoring. On October 12, 2023, EGLE sent a letter to Roscommon County requesting that select monitoring wells be sampled for PFAS compounds. On January 2, 2024, EGLE approved a PFAS Sampling Work Plan proposed by Roscommon County. On December 11, 2024, EGLE received the results of samples collected from four monitoring wells. All four monitoring wells had exceedances of PFOA. The highest result was 33 ppt PFOA (compared to 8 ppt). The Roscommon County Landfill is located at the peak elevation of a glacial moraine with soils consisting of sand and gravel. The depth to groundwater varies from 50 to 150 feet and is in a northwest direction towards Nine Mile Swamp.

Content posted March 2025.


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Drinking water information

There is no municipal drinking water system in the area. The area directly downgradient of the Landfill in groundwater flow direction is also on State Land. EGLE, DHHS, and local health department staff evaluated drinking water wells and found no wells downgradient of the Landfill.

Anticipated activities

EGLE requested Roscommon County to conduct PFAS sampling as part of the annual groundwater monitoring well sampling.