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Warner-Lambert Company LLC (Holland, Ottawa County)

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Please contact the Site Lead for the most up-to-date status of this site.

EGLE site lead

Nicole Sanabria, or 517-281-7726.


The site, located at 188 Howard Avenue, Holland, was formerly owned by Warner-Lambert Company, LLC, but was acquired by Pfizer, Inc., in 2000. It was primarily used for pharmaceutical manufacturing from 1951 to 2007 and cleanup has been ongoing at the site since 2000. As part of those cleanup efforts, a clay barrier wall was installed along the perimeter of the site to contain contaminants on-site, such as aromatic organics. In addition, groundwater is extracted, treated, and currently disposed of in on-site deep injection wells. The facility is evaluating alternative options for managing extracted groundwater. In support of that effort, a sample was collected from the groundwater extraction system and analyzed for PFAS in June 2020.

The site is located on the Macatawa River. Groundwater typically flows southeast toward the river, but the containment wall and groundwater extraction system keep groundwater from moving off-site.

Content posted July 2021.

Site map

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Drinking water

Nearby residences are connected to municipal drinking water.

Anticipated activities

On July 12, 2021, EGLE will be meeting with Pfizer to discuss next steps.

Historical timeline

    • In June 2020, Pfizer collected a sample from the groundwater extraction system. 
    • On August 31, 2020, EGLE received a report from Pfizer containing sample results collected from the on-site containment system. PFAS compounds above cleanup criteria included PFNA at 1,900 ppt., and PFOA at 110 ppt. 
    • On February 18, 2021, EGLE sent a letter to Pfizer requesting a PFAS investigation be conducted on an off-site property located adjacent to the site.
    • On April 1, 2021, Pfizer submitted a workplan to sample for PFAS on the adjacent off-site property.
    • On May 26, 2021, Pfizer completed groundwater sampling on the off-site property.
    • On June 28, 2021, EGLE received results from the off-site groundwater sampling; EGLE is in the process of reviewing the report

    Sampling Results Summary

    Type of Sample

    Date Sampled (or Range)

    Numberof Sample Results Received

    Number of Samples above Criteria*

    Groundwater Monitoring Wells

    June 2020 5 5
    *Residential well and groundwater monitoring well results are compared to EGLE Part 201 criteria for 7 PFAS compounds effective 12/21/2020:  PFOS (16 ppt), PFOA (8 ppt), PFNA (6 ppt), PFHxS (51 ppt), PFHxA (400,000 ppt), PFBS (420 ppt), and HFPO-DA (370 ppt).

    Sampling Notes:

    • In June 2020, Pfizer collected a sample from the groundwater extraction system.
    • On August 31, 2020, EGLE received a report from Pfizer containing sample results collected form the on-site containment system. PFAS compounds above cleanup criteria included PENA at 1,900 ppt., and PFOA at 110 ppt.
    • On February 18, 2021, EGLE sent a letter to Pfizer requesting PFAS investigation be conducted on an off-site property located adjacent to the site.