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Central Sanitary Landfill (Pierson, Montcalm County)

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Please contact the Site Lead for the most up-to-date status of this site.

EGLE site lead

Kent Walters, or 616-278-4350.

Waste Disposal Questions

Central Sanitary Landfill: 616-636-4096


Central Sanitary Landfill (CSL) is located 2/3 of a mile northwest of the village of Pierson. Central Sanitary Landfill Inc. is a subsidiary of Republic Services, Inc., (Republic). The facility is a Type II landfill which accepts municipal solid waste. PFAS investigation began when it was discovered that CSL accepted tannery wastes from Wolverine World Wide, Inc., in Rockford, Michigan which may have contained high levels of PFAS. Groundwater contamination is present from historic waste management activities. CSL operates a groundwater remediation system to treat contaminants from the landfill that have leaked into the groundwater.

Except for a small portion of the landfill in the north, which is the oldest portion of the site, the landfill is almost completely double-lined. There is a monitored leak detection system installed between the liners. The double liner system with leak detection is designed to detect and correct any leaks before any groundwater contamination can occur.

Content posted October 2023.

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Drinking water

38 residential wells have been tested by CSL; All of the residents were resampled to check PFAS concentrations in 2022. Three households have been provided a filter by CSL and filters were offered to any resident in the Phase I or II investigation area who had a PFAS detection as a precaution by the Mid-Michigan District Health Department.

Anticipated activities

CSL continuing to work toward PFAS plume delineation and meet with EGLE on a monthly basis to review progress on the PFAS investigation.

Historical Timeline

    • In November 2017, Wolverine World Wide Inc., identified CSL as a location where they disposed of various tannery wastes from approximately 1984-2009. These wastes likely contained high levels of PFAS.
    • From December 2017 - February 2018, the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) proactively required CSL to develop a workplan to address several issues identified at the site, including the conceptual site model and potential PFAS contamination of groundwater at CSL.
    • On February 27 and 28, 2018, CSL collected the first round of PFAS samples from 10 monitoring wells around the landfill. Monitoring wells are used to detect contaminants and signs of leakage to the groundwater around the landfill.
    • In March 2018, CSL voluntarily collected samples from two non-potable (non-drinking water) supply wells which they use on-site for flushing toilets, washing hands and other maintenance activities.
    • On April 13, 2018, EGLE learned that 5 of the 12 onsite monitoring wells that were sampled contained PFAS that exceeded the 70 part per trillion (ppt) lifetime health advisory (LHA) and immediately began working with CSL, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) and the Mid-Michigan District Health Department (MMDHD) to develop a phased sampling plan of domestic wells close to and in the directions of groundwater flow from the landfill to ensure that public health was protected.
    • On April 26, 2018, a town hall meeting was held.
    • In early May 2018, CSL sampled 12 additional monitoring wells on landfill properties and the results were submitted mid-June to EGLE. One of the 12 samples contained PFAS higher than the LHA of 70 ppt.
    • On May 2 and 3, 2018, CSL began the Phase 1 of the plan, which included sampling 19 properties, two of which are Type II public supply wells (wells that serve more people than a single household, such as a business that uses well water). CSL provided bottled water to the properties while sample results were pending. 18 properties were sampled; 1 resident refused to be sampled. Results of this sampling were submitted to EGLE on May 29, 2018. Based on the Phase 1 results, it was determined that several additional properties should be sampled (Phase 2).
    • On June 7, 2018, CSL completed Phase 2 of drinking water well sampling.  Phase 2 testing included seven additional properties located near the northeast corner of the landfill.
    • June 18, 2018, EGLE, MDHHS, MMDHD, along with CSL, hosted a community open house and public meeting at Tri County High School in Howard City, Michigan.  
    • On July 9, 2018, CSL submitted Phase 2 sampling results to EGLE
    • In October-November 2018, CSL installed seven new groundwater monitoring wells to help better delineate PFAS in the groundwater.
    • On October 22-23, 2018, CSL sampled nine additional landfill monitoring wells to help better delineate PFAS in the groundwater.
    • On November 13, 2018, EGLE received results from one new residential well and one residential well resample from CSL.
    • On November 20, 2018, CSL completed the first quarterly PFAS monitoring event at select monitoring wells around the landfill.
    • On December 17, 2018, CSL sampled two new groundwater monitoring wells on the west side of US 131 near the landfill.
    • On December 18, 2018, EGLE received results from CSL for 9 samples taken from wells in the NE corner of the landfill property and from newly installed wells on the east side of the landfill.
    • On December 19, 2018, CSL installed column testing equipment in the groundwater remediation shed to start running on-site pilot testing for granular activated carbon (GAC) efficiency.
    • On January 11, 2018, EGLE received results from CSL for 11 samples as a part of CSLs first quarterly PFAS monitoring event.
    • On February 05, 2019, EGLE received results from CSL for the two new monitoring wells installed in the North West corner of the landfill, just west of US-131.
    • On February 20, 2019 CSL collected its second round of quarterly PFAS sampling at 13 monitoring wells.  Two new wells were added to the quarterly sampling list due to elevated PFAS levels in two new monitoring wells installed west of US-131.
    • In March 2019, CSL completed groundwater treatment pilot testing and is working on drafting a report to summarize next steps and treatment strategy.
    • On April 29 through May 3, 2019, CSL installed one shallow and one deep groundwater monitoring well West of the South half of the landfill on the West side of U.S. 131.
    • On May 14, 2019, CSL sampled the two new wells West of US-131 for PFAS. Results are expected the first half of June 2019. CSL also submitted a report summarizing all PFAS work which has been completed to date.
    • On May 15, 2019, CSL submitted its third quarter of routine PFAS groundwater monitoring to monitor any trends that may be occurring.
    • On June 28, 2019, EGLE received PFAS results from the two new wells west of US-131 and the second quarter PFAS sampling results.
    • July 24, 2019, EGLE and CSL met to discuss progress thus far.  CSL presented PFAS treatment system pilot study data and presented information on what they propose to do next in the investigation. 
    • On August 29, 2019, CSL submitted a workplan to continue defining PFAS in groundwater northwest and northeast of the landfill.
    • On November 13, 2019, CSL provided quarterly monitoring results for 16 wells and 5 additional wells to better define PFAS impacts to groundwater on landfill property. 
    • On November 25, 2019, CSL resampled two residential homes impacted by PFAS to monitor concentration changes over time. 
    • On January 8, 2020, CSL submitted PFAS retesting results for two homes which have been impacted by PFAS.  Retesting was completed to monitor concentration changes over time.  
    • On January 16, 2020, CSL submitted 4th quarter PFAS monitoring data for 21 groundwater monitoring wells.  CSL also sampled one new well for PFAS to better define PFAS impacted groundwater onsite.  Data is reflected on the sampling chart.
    • On April 7, 2020, EGLE had a conference call with CSL to discuss site progress on installing additional PFAS sentinel groundwater monitoring wells to define existing PFAS impacts to groundwater.
    • On April 14, 2020, CSL submitted quarterly PFAS monitoring data for 22 groundwater monitoring wells. The sample chart has been updated to reflect the sample results.
    • On August 28, 2020, CSL submitted 2nd quarter PFAS monitoring data for 22 monitoring wells to EGLE. The highest PFOA was 760 ppt collected from monitor well P-37 and the highest PFOS result was 260 ppt collected from monitoring well P-11.
    • On September 28, 2020, EGLE had a conference call with CSL to discuss site progress with the groundwater treatment system and on gaining access to private land to install additional groundwater monitoring wells. CSL informed EGLE the installation of the PFAS groundwater treatment system is delayed because of COVID-19.
    • On October 5, 2020, CSL submitted 3rd quarter PFAS monitoring data for 22 monitoring wells to EGLE.  The highest PFOA was 840 ppt collected from monitor well P-37 and the highest PFOS result was 230 ppt collected from monitoring well P-11.
    • On December 8, 2020, CSL met with EGLE to discuss the best strategy for defining PFAS impacts to groundwater northeast of the Landfill.
    • On January 26, 2021, CSL submitted 4th quarter PFAS monitoring data for 22 monitoring wells to EGLE. The highest PFOA was 920 ppt collected from monitor well P-37, the highest PFOS results was 230 ppt collected from monitoring well P-11, the highest PFBS results was 2,100 ppt collected from monitoring well P-30, the highest PFHxS results was 100 ppt collected from monitoring well MW-35S, the highest PFHxA results was 2,600 ppt collected from monitoring well P-37, the highest PFNA results was 3.8 ppt collected from monitoring well P-11.
    • In April 2021, CSL began installing nine new monitoring wells to help define PFAS impacts to groundwater.
    • On June 8, 2021, CSL submitted the first quarter PFAS monitoring data for 22 monitoring wells to EGLE. The highest PFOA was 1200 ppt collected from monitor well P-37, the highest PFOS results was 250 ppt collected from monitor well P-11, the highest PFBS results was 2000 ppt collected from monitor well P-30, the highest PFHxS results was 130 ppt collected from monitor well MW-35S, the highest PFHxA results was 2100 ppt collected from monitor well P-37, the highest PFNA results was 4.7 ppt collected from monitor well P-11.
    • On July 19, 2021, CSL submitted PFAS monitoring data from nine new monitoring wells that were installed to help define PFAS impacts to groundwater. Out of the nine wells sampled, one well exceeded groundwater criteria with a result of 9 ppt PFOA and 38 ppt PFOS collected from MW-49S.
    • On September 27, 2021, CSL submitted quarterly PFAS monitoring data for 23 monitoring wells. 21 of 23 wells sampled exceed groundwater criteria. The highest PFOA was 1100 ppt collected at monitoring well P-37, the highest PFOS was 250 ppt collected at monitoring well P-11, the highest PFBS was 1900 ppt and monitoring well P-20, the highest PFHxS was 110 ppt collected at monitoring well MW-35S.
    • On December 1, 2021, CSL submitted residential sampling results for 5 homes downgradient of the landfill. No samples exceeded groundwater quality criteria.
    • On January 25, 2022, CSL submitted quarterly PFAS monitoring data for 27 monitoring wells.22 of 27 wells sampled exceed groundwater criteria. The Highest PFOA was 190 ppt collected at monitoring well P-36, The highest PFOS was 170 ppt collected at monitoring well P-11, The highest PFBS was 2,000 ppt collected at monitoring well P-20, the highest PFHxS was 94 ppt collected at monitoring well P-30.
    • April 2022, CSL completed installation of the new PFAS groundwater treatment system and starting to run the system for initial testing.
    • On June 6, 2022, CSL submitted PFAS resampling results for 23 residential drinking water wells. Three homes tested above drinking water criteria. Two homes were previously known exceedances and have water filtration installed. One home is a new exceedance and was offered bottled water and the installation of a point of use filter by CSL.
    • On July 22, 2022, CSL submitted quarterly PFAS monitoring data for 26 monitoring wells.22 of 26 well sampled exceed groundwater criteria. The Highest PFOA was 1500 ppt collected at monitoring well P-37, the highest PFOS was 250 ppt collected at monitoring well P-11, the highest PFBS was 1800 ppt collected at monitoring well P-20, the highest PFHxS was 100 ppt collected at monitoring well P-30.

    Sampling Results Summary

    This chart reflects data received after 8/3/2020. Data prior to 8/3/2020 is reflected in the timeline below. 

    This table was updated to include all seven PFAS criteria effective 12/21/2020.

    Type of Sample

    Date Sampled (or Range)

    Numberof Sample Results Received

    Number of Samples above Criteria*

    Groundwater Monitoring Wells

    August 12, 2020 - July 2022 173 146
    Residential Wells November 2021 - June 2022 28 3
     * Residential well and groundwater monitoring well results are compared to EGLE Part 201 criteria for 7 PFAS compounds:  PFOS (16 ppt), PFOA (8 ppt), PFNA (6 ppt), PFHxS (51 ppt), PFHxA (400,000 ppt), PFBS (420 ppt), and HFPO-DA (370 ppt).
    • September 2022, CSL has indicated the new PFAS groundwater treatment system is operational and treating groundwater.
    • October 2022, CSL informed EGLE that the PFAS treatment portion of the treatment system has been shut off due to complications with the system.
    • On January 25, 2023, CSL started installing 10 additional groundwater monitoring wells further away from the landfill to help define PFAS groundwater impacts.
    • On April 3, 2023, CSL provided EGLE with PFAS leachate results from individual landfill cells.
    • On April 24, 2023, CSL installed 1 additional groundwater monitoring well to help define PFAS groundwater impacts.
    • On May 17, 2023, CSL sampled all 11 new groundwater monitoring wells.
    • On July 17, 2023, CSL provided EGLE 26 PFAS results from the semi-annual sampling event and 11 PFAS results from the newly installed groundwater monitoring wells.25 of 26 semi-annual sampling locations exceeded PFAS drinking water criteria and 2 of 11 samples exceeded PFAS drinking water standards at the newly installed wells. The Semi-annual sampling event has exceedances of PFOA, PFOS, PFBS and PFHxS. The highest PFOA was 970 ppt collected from monitoring well P-37, the highest PFOS was 190 ppt collected from monitoring well P-11, the highest PFBS was 1500 ppt collected from monitoring well P-20, the highest PFHxS was 150 ppt collected from monitoring well MW-35S. The 11 new wells had exceedances of PFOA with the highest detection collected at monitoring well MW-54S at 24 ppt.