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Container Specialties, Inc. (Flushing, Genesee County)

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Please contact the Site Lead for the most up-to-date status of this site.

EGLE site lead

Brian Kuberski, or 517-243-7574


The Container Specialties Inc. (CSI) property is located in Flint Township and is approximately two-acres in size. The site is surrounded by residential properties to the east, south, and west, and by commercial/retail properties to the north across Flushing Road In the city of Flint. Commercial dry-cleaning operations conducted from the 1940s to 2010 resulted in releases of trichloroethylene (TCE) and tetrachloroethylene (PCE). Due to dry cleaners being a potential source of PFAS, EGLE collected groundwater samples in 2023 and, shallow groundwater contained PFOA at 12 ppt, which exceeds the groundwater cleanup criteria of 8 ppt. Groundwater flow is generally to the south. The surficial shallow aquifer extends to approximately 100 feet below ground surface. Residential wells are installed at greater than 100-foot depths in bedrock; however, 1,4-Dioxane has been detected in the surficial shallow aquifer and deeper bedrock aquifer, suggesting there may be a hydraulic connection. The Flint River is located about 1,900 feet south of the site. 

Content last updated January 2024.


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Drinking water information

Municipal water is available, however ten residences near the site are not connected to the municipal system. The Figure below shows the 10 known residences still using private water wells near the site. These wells were sampled prior to PFAS sampling and were not impacted by chlorinated solvents. In the summer of 2023 EGLE sampled nine of the ten residential wells and all were non-detect for PFAS.

Anticipated activities

The extent of PFAS contamination is unknown as only two groundwater monitoring wells have been sampled and analyzed for PFAS. DHHS will be re-sampling residential wells in this area for 1-4 Dioxane and PFAS.