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Bray Road Site (Genesee Township, Genesee County)

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Please contact the Site Lead for the most up-to-date status of this site.

EGLE site lead

Evin Maguire, or 517-388-3525.


The Bray Road Site located at 5200 Bray Road, was historically used by the City of Flint as a storage area for drinking water treatment residuals, including lime and ferric chloride. In the 1980's, the city began using it for storage of inert materials such as concrete, rock, and asphalt. In 2001, EGLE became aware that unapproved solid waste materials were being disposed of at the site and ordered the city to stop solid waste disposal activities and perform investigations to address any potential contamination. Due to this historical contamination, EGLE issued a request for PFAS sampling in January 2021.

Groundwater flow direction is east-northeast toward the CS Mott Lake reservoir, however, PFAS is not discharging to the lake at levels above health criteria. The Cornwell Drain runs along the northern boundary of the property and drains into CS Mott Lake.

For information on fish sampling in Mott Lake and other water bodies, see the MPART Eat Safe Fish Guidelines webpage.

Content posted November 2021.

Site map

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Drinking water

There are four residential drinking water wells nearby, three of which have been sampled by EGLE. EGLE is working with DHHS and the local health department to determine if there are any other nearby residential wells that need to be considered for sampling. The Great Lakes Water Authority (serving the City of Flint) and Genesee County Drain Commissioner, Water Treatment Plant (serving Genesee Township) have not had detections of PFAS and continue to be safe to drink.

Anticipated activities

The City of Flint will perform additional sampling of groundwater wells and surface water to fully delineate the extent of PFAS contamination. The next sampling event is not yet scheduled but is anticipated to occur in November 2021. MDHHS will provide and install a permanent point-of-use filter to the resident with PFAS exceedances. EGLE will continue to investigate additional sources of PFAS within the Cornwell Drain. EGLE will continue efforts to obtain an access agreement to sample the one remaining residential well.

Historical Timeline

    • On January 14, 2021, EGLE sent the City of Flint a request to sample select groundwater monitor wells for PFAS.
    • On May 13, 2021, Golder Associates on behalf of the City of Flint, collected three groundwater samples.
    • On June 28, 2021, EGLE received PFAS sampling results from Golder Associates.  One of the three groundwater samples collected exceeded groundwater clean-up criteria with a result of 30 ppt PFOA compared to 8 ppt.
    • On July 21, 2021, EGLE met with the City of Flint to request additional sampling for PFAS.  EGLE sampled the Cornwell Drain upstream of the site, as well as three residential wells near the site to rule out PFAS contamination in September 2021.
    • On September 21-22, 2021, EGLE sampled three of four targeted residential drinking water wells, and 10 locations in the Cornwell Drain. Two of the residential wells were non-detect for all PFAS, and one had PFOS at 60 ppt, exceeding the maximum contaminant level of 16 ppt. EGLE immediately notified the resident and provided a table-top filter.  Results of the Cornwell Drain sampling indicate the presence of another source of PFAS upstream of the Bray Road Site and not related to this site, which is currently being investigated by EGLE.

    Sampling Results Summary

    Type of Sample

    Date Sampled
    (or range)

    Number of Sample
    Results Received

    Number of Samples
    above Criteria*

    Monitoring Wells

    May 2021 3 1
    Residential Wells September 2021 3 1
    Surface Water June 2021 1 1

    *Residential well and groundwater monitoring well results are compared to EGLE Part 201 criteria for 7 PFAS compounds effective 12/21/2020:  PFOS (16 ppt), PFOA (8 ppt), PFNA (6 ppt), PFHxS (51 ppt), PFHxA (400,000 ppt), PFBS (420 ppt), and HFPO-DA (370 ppt). *Surface water samples are compared to Rule 57 non-drinking water values of 12 ppt for PFOS and 12,000 ppt for PFOA. 

    Sampling Notes

    • One upgradient well was not sampled due to access issues.
    • Surface water collected from intersection of Bray Road and Cornwell Drain, not on site property. PFOS was 98 ppt. EGLE is investigating additional possible PFAS sources in the area.
    • Cornwell Drain sampling in September 2021 indicated an additional PFAS source unrelated to the Bray Road Site and therefore are not reflected on the sampling chart above.