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Selfridge Air National Guard Base (ANGB) (Harrison Township, Macomb County)

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EGLE site lead

Christina Hebert,, 517-282-6092


The Selfridge Air National Guard Base (Selfridge ANGB) is an Air National Guard installation located in Harrison Township near Mount Clemens. The host organization is the Michigan Air National Guard, but a variety of Air Force Reserve, Navy Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, Army Reserve, Army National Guard, and Coast Guard units use the facility as well. In 1971, Selfridge ANGB became the largest and most complex joint Reserves Forces base in the United States, a position it held until the late 1990's.

The property the base is built on began to be developed in 1916. Due to its operational history, personnel of the Selfridge ANGB have engaged in various activities which required the use, dispensing of, and storage of Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF). Throughout the past, AFFF may have entered the environment through cumulative effects of the operations documented at the Selfridge ANGB's flight line and industrial area. A few areas of note include:

  • Fire Training Area #2 (also known as Installation Restoration Program (IRP) Site 2): Four acres of land northwest of Taxiway C in the southwest part of the base used to practice fire-fighting activities. This area was an unlined pit, excavated to a depth of 1 to 1.5 feet below ground surface and filled with flammable debris. It was used for 8 to 12 fires per year beginning in 1964 and continuing until December 1989. Remedial activities for other contaminants in the soil were conducted in 2004.
  • Building 1422 - Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Hangar: This building was constructed in 1985 and used by the DHS for aircraft maintenance and storage. Building 1422, like many aircraft hangars, is equipped with an AFFF Fire Suppression System. Trench drains located throughout the hangar floor discharge to the sanitary sewer system through an oil/water separator. As of March 2016, no known releases of AFFF have occurred at Building 1422.
  • Building 33 - Fire Department: This building was used as the fire department at the base from 1951-2001 when the current fire department was constructed. Building 33 was demolished prior to 2006. A report in 2016 noted that AFFF was stored in 55-gallon drums, pails, and firefighting vehicles. The report also noted that floor drains in the former building lead to the stormwater system and a drainage basin. As of 2016, no releases of AFFF were known to have been reported at Building 33.

Surface waters on the base are not used for recreational activities. Lake St. Clair is used for recreational activities such as boating and fishing. There is also a state-protected wetland located adjacent to the southeast corner of the base.

Natural draining on the base is generally to the east, ultimately into Lake St. Clair. Groundwater generally flows east across the base to lake St. Clair but is influenced by fluctuations based on seasonal variations in precipitation and water level fluctuations in Lake St. Clair and the Clinton River. There is currently a fish consumption advisory due to PFOS on Lake St. Clair.

Due to its operational history, personnel of the Selfridge ANGB have engaged in various activities which required the use, dispensing, and storage of Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF).

Content posted April 2020.

Site map

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Drinking water

There are no known impacts to drinking water. There are some residential wells in a 1-mile radius around the base and these have all been tested by EGLE staff in 2018. All results were non-detect for PFAS. For additional information on residential well testing and results, visit the Frequently Asked Questions. There are no drinking water wells on the base. Drinking water on the base comes from the city of Mt. Clemens EGLE has sampled all municipal water supplies for PFAS. View the results for the city of Mt. Clemens.

Anticipated activities

EGLE expects Selfridge ANGB to continue implementation of the GAC Interim Control Measures. Field sampling on-site will continue through August 2020. Selfridge ANGB (AECOM) will inform EGLE on a monthly basis with results of the Interim Control Measures. Selfridge ANGB (AECOM) has indicated that interim treatment of PFAS will continue at least thru August 2020. EGLE and SANGB will be reviewing the SWPS study results for potential locations of additional ICM actions in the Storm Water conveyance system.

Historical timeline

    • The Air National Guard’s preliminary investigation in 2016 identified a total of 28 Potential Release Locations throughout the base; 25 were determined to warrant additional investigation and were sampled for PFAS between December 2017 and June 2018.
    • In total, the Selfridge ANGB collected 37 groundwater samples, 142 soil samples, 8 sediment samples, and 8 surface water samples as part of their investigation. This information was compiled into a formal report and sent to EGLE on September 26, 2018.
    • In February 2018, EGLE collected a sample in the Clinton River upstream of the city of Mt. Clemens and Selfridge ANGB. The sample result contained 470 ppt PFOS. (The water quality standard is 12 ppt PFOS). This result required additional investigation.
    • In February 2018, the Air National Guard collected samples from 5 storm water outfalls. Sample results ranged from 170 ppt PFOS to 2,400 ppt PFOS.
    • In the spring/summer of 2018 EGLE conducted residential well sampling of the 9 residential wells closest to the base. All results were well below the EPA Lifetime Health Advisory Level of 70 ppt PFOS and PFOA.
    • March 14, 2018: EGLE hosted a local meeting for state and local officials to brief on the status of the PFAS investigation in the Lake St. Clair/Clinton River area.
    • April 16, 2018: EGLE hosted an availability session for the public from 3-7 p.m. at the Macomb County Health Department Auditorium. This session allowed the public to ask questions and interact with staff about the residential well sampling.
    • EGLE received the site investigation report from the ANGB on September 26, 2018.
    • November 7, 2018: EGLE held a webinar for municipality officials to brief on the status of the latest PFAS results in the Lake St. Clair/Clinton River area. 
    • November 8, 2018: EGLE, in conjunction with the Macomb County Health Department and the Selfridge Air National Guard held a public forum on the status of the latest PFAS results in the Lake St. Clair/Clinton River area and moving forward.
    • As of the end of November 2018, EGLE completed their review of the Selfridge ANGB Site Investigation report and responded with an Approval with Conditions. Additionally, EGLE-WRD issued SANGB with an NPDES Notice of Violation of Water Quality Criteria.
    • Terms of EGLE Report Approval and Notice of Violation included Immediate actions being required:
      • Selfridge ANGB must complete a Short-Term Stormwater Characterization Study
      • Selfridge ANGB must investigate and report the PFC concentrations in the lateral extensions of Areas 507 and 508 to isolate the contribution of PFCs to those specific Wet Wells and suggest Corrective Actions within 6 months (due by May 1, 2019).
    • The Selfridge ANGB Site Investigation report had long term (24+ month) objectives which included conducting further investigations such as:
      • The development of an expanded conceptual site model that considers localized groundwater and surface water flow paths to select future sampling locations.
      • Conducting a base-wide groundwater sampling event to confirm the groundwater flow direction.
      • Completing the delineation of PFAS as part of an Expanded Site Investigation or a Remedial Investigation, which could consist of expanding the groundwater sampling program to complete the horizontal and vertical delineation of PFAS impacts.
      • Installing and sampling new and existing downgradient off-base monitoring wells to better define the PFAS that may have migrated off-base and installing upgradient monitoring wells to better define the PFAS that may have migrated on-base from off-base sources.
      • Conducting additional surface water and sediment sampling--both on and off base--to determine the nature and extent of PFAS impacts in these media.
      • Performing additional groundwater and soil sampling.
      • Conducting preliminary site-specific risk assessment calculations in order to identify contaminants of potential concern in every media and establish preliminary remedial goals.
    • On November 30, 2018, Selfridge ANGB submitted a short-term storm water characterization study (STSWCS) to EGLE for review.
    • The Selfridge ANGB met with EGLE in December 2018 to discuss the immediate actions EGLE requested in their Approval with Conditions to the PFC Site Investigation and Notice of Violation.
    • As of the end of November 2018, EGLE completed their review of the Selfridge ANGB Site Investigation report and responded with an Approval with Conditions. Additionally, EGLE-WRD issued SANGB with an NPDES Notice of Violation of Water Quality Criteria.?
    • On January 3, 2019 Selfridge ANGB received approval to conduct a Short-Term Stormwater Characterization Study for EGLE WRD and additional specific sampling in response to EGLE’s Water Resource Division Notice of Violation.
    • On Feb 2, 2019, Selfridge ANGB (via AECOM) submitted a Draft Final SWSP Study Report. WMRPD is currently reviewing this monitoring plan that deals with PFAS levels in the interior Stormwater Conveyance Network.
    • On March 12, 2019 WMRPD sent an approval to Selfridge ANGB for the SWSP Study
    • On April 10, 2019 Selfridge ANGB responded to WMRPD that no sampling has started at the base in accordance with either the STSWCS or SWSP workplans.
    • On April 30, 2019, Selfridge ANGB reported preliminary results from the STSWCS PFAS concentrations in the Wet Wells that lead to NPDES Outfalls. These draft results confirm PFAS concentrations are well above criteria. EGLE is reviewing the draft data.
    • On November 8, 2019, EGLE received additional soil sample results, and a full data set from AECOM / Selfridge in xls in advance of the full Storm Water PFAS Study (SWPS).  These results are under EGLE staff review.
    • Terms of EGLE Report Approval and Notice of Violation included Immediate actions being required:
      Selfridge ANGB must complete a Short-Term Stormwater Characterization Study
      • Selfridge ANGB must investigate and report the PFC concentrations in the lateral extensions of Areas 507 and 508 to isolate the contribution of PFCs to those specific Wet Wells and suggest Corrective Actions within 6 months (due by May 1, 2019).
      • The Selfridge ANGB Site Investigation report had long term (24+ month) objectives which included conducting further investigations such as:
    • The development of an expanded conceptual site model that considers localized groundwater and surface water flow paths to select future sampling locations.
      • Conducting a base-wide groundwater sampling event to confirm the groundwater flow direction.
      • Completing the delineation of PFAS as part of an Expanded Site Investigation or a Remedial Investigation, which could consist of expanding the groundwater sampling program to complete the horizontal and vertical delineation of PFAS impacts.
      • Installing and sampling new and existing downgradient off-base monitoring wells to better define the PFAS that may have migrated off-base and installing upgradient monitoring wells to better define the PFAS that may have migrated on-base from off-base sources.
      • Conducting additional surface water and sediment sampling--both on and off base--to determine the nature and extent of PFAS impacts in these media.
      • Performing additional groundwater and soil sampling.
      • Conducting preliminary site-specific risk assessment calculations in order to identify contaminants of potential concern in every media and establish preliminary remedial goals.
    • On November 30, 2018, Selfridge ANGB submitted a short-term storm water characterization study (STSWCS) to EGLE for review.
    • The Selfridge ANGB met with EGLE in December 2018 to discuss the immediate actions EGLE requested in their Approval with Conditions to the PFC Site Investigation and Notice of Violation.
    • On January 3, 2019 Selfridge ANGB received approval to conduct a Short-Term Stormwater Characterization Study for EGLE WRD and additional specific sampling in response to EGLE’s Water Resource Division Notice of Violation.
    • On Feb 2, 2019, Selfridge ANGB (via AECOM) submitted a Draft Final SWSP Study Report. WMRPD is currently reviewing this monitoring plan that deals with PFAS levels in the interior Stormwater Conveyance Network.
    • On March 12, 2019 WMRPD sent an approval to Selfridge ANGB for the SWSP Study
    • On April 10, 2019 Selfridge ANGB responded to WMRPD that no sampling has started at the base in accordance with either the STSWCS or SWSP workplans.
    • On April 30, 2019, Selfridge ANGB reported preliminary results from the STSWCS PFAS concentrations in the Wet Wells that lead to NPDES Outfalls. These draft results confirm PFAS concentrations are well above criteria. EGLE is reviewing the draft data.
    • On November 8, 2019, EGLE received additional soil sample results, and a full data set from AECOM / Selfridge in xls in advance of the full Storm Water PFAS Study (SWPS).  These results are under EGLE staff review.
    • As of November 15, 2019, SWSP sampling activities are about 99% complete, and Selfridge has shared data with EGLE. 
    • On January 10, 2020, EGLE received additional stormwater sample results, and a full data set from AECOM / Selfridge in xls in advance of the full Storm Water PFAS Study (SWPS).  These results are under EGLE staff review.
    • On March 30, 2020, EGLE received a report on the initial results of the PFAS Interim Control Measures.  There was significant decrease in PFAS concentrations from RAW vs TREATED Stormwater. Concentrations decreased tenfold in the 507 Wet Well.
    • On March 31, 2020 EGLE received the Draft Final Storm Water PFAS Study.  It is under review.

      Sampling Results Summary: PFOS and PFOA Only 

      Type of Sample

      Date Sampled (or Range)

      Numberof Samples

      Number of Results Received

      Number of Non-Detects Number Between Non-detect and Standard* Number Greater Than or Equal to Standard


      2017-2018 37 37 22 8 7
      Surface Water 2017-2018 12 12 0 8 4
      Drinking Water (Residential) 2018 9 9 9 0 0
      Effluent (Outfalls) 2018 8 8 0 0 8
      On-Site Storm Water 2019 295 295 41 151 103
      Cumulative 361 361 72 167 122

      *Groundwater results are compared to EGLE Part 201 Criteria of 70 ppt PFOS+PFOA.
      *Surface water results are compared to Rule 57 surface water quality values of 12 ppt PFOS and 12,000 ppt PFOA.
      *Residential well results are compared to the USEPA Lifetime Health Advisory Level of 70 ppt PFOS+PFOA.

      Sampling Notes

      • Other PFAS analytes were detected in samples. There are no federal or state standards for these analytes.
      • Surface water samples are from Lake St. Clair and the Clinton River; included are three Drinking Water Treatment Plant raw water samples.
      • Fish samples were collected in November 2017; fish consumption advisories issued by DHHS in Spring 2018.