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ORS Judges' Retirement System - Defined Contribution

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Michigan Office of Retirement Services

ORS Judges' Retirement System - Defined Contribution


Welcome to the Michigan Office of Retirement Services website for members of the Judges' Retirement System who are in the 401(k) Defined Contribution Plan.

We encourage you to come back often for important information.

What's New

ORS named America Saves Savings Champion

The Michigan Office of Retirement Services (ORS) is a 2024 Savings Champion Award recipient from America Saves.

ORS was honored for effectively and actively promoting savings strategies during America Saves Week, which ran April 8-12, 2024, during Financial Literacy Month. ORS was 1 of 18 organizations recognized out of 4,600-plus participants.

During America Saves Week, ORS highlighted savings strategies that help with retirement savings and urged saving for what matters most. You can do that by saving automatically, for the unexpected, for major milestones, and at any age. Also, realize that paying down debt is saving.

Our new look online

Our website got a new look. As part of a project to modernize websites for all State of Michigan executive branch departments, we launched a new website on Feb. 18. The site looks a little different and you will need to update your bookmarks, if you have them, but the same services and content are available. For more details on the statewide project, check out

Published on Feb. 22, 2022