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State commission for Asian Pacific Americans support preventative anti-Asian Hate funding

To help combat hate crimes against Asian Pacific Americans (APA) and discrimination taking place during the pandemic, the Michigan Asian American Affairs Commission (MAPAAC) supports the proposed COVID-19 funding brought forth by members of the state legislature.

On March 31, 2021, MAPAAC received a copy of a letter signed by Senator Stephanie Chang, along with State Representatives Padma Kuppa and Ranjeev Puri addressed to Chairman Jim Stamas of the Senate Appropriations Committee and Chairman Thomas Albert of the House Appropriations Committee. The letter urged for the next COVID-19 supplemental appropriations bill to include funding to prevent anti-Asian hate in Michigan. 

The Senate and House recently adopted resolutions to condemn anti-Asian hate crimes, harmful rhetoric and discrimination. As a result, the letter of request specifically builds on the passage of the resolutions by seeking:

  • $250,000 for Michigan Dept. of Civil Rights (MDCR) to include outreach regarding discrimination during COVID-19 and importance of reporting.
  • $250,000 for the Michigan Dept. of Attorney General (AG) Hate Crimes Unit to include outreach regarding hate crimes during COVID-19 and the importance of reporting.

MAPAAC backs the requests of Senator Stephanie Chang, Representatives Padma Kuppa and Representative Ranjeev Puri, and urges the Senate and House Appropriation Committees to strongly consider this funding to combat anti-Asian hate and discrimination.  By dedicating a portion of COVID-19 relief funding to support those who are experiencing discrimination or hate crimes and ensuring Michigan is responding appropriately to our residents, we can create a place where everyone feels welcome and can achieve success.

The MAPAAC mission is to advance the full and equal participation of Asian Pacific Americans in the building of a greater Michigan. As a state commission, MAPAAC has been instrumental in organizing the APA communities during the pandemic by hosting collaborative events with elected officials, community leaders, the University of Michigan, MDCR and AG to educate Michiganders on where to report hate crimes or discrimination, what a hate crime is and why reporting is important. We will continue to be a resource and provide targeted outreach to the different ethnic communities across Michigan.

To learn more how MAPAAC is supporting the APA community, visit
