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Parents & Caregivers

Parent & Caregiver Resources

At the OCA we believe in building strong families of all kinds. Ensuring that parents and caregivers have the resources they need is the best way to provide support. Below you will find many resources, some for specific counties, and some for all Michiganders. 

Ages & Stages

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) website has a large resource pool full of information on topics for children at all stages in their life. From health and nutrition, development schedules, and school for young children, to topics like dating and sex, driving safety, and substance abuse in teens, this website is a one-stop-shop for parents and caregivers. 

MSU Parenting Resources

Michigan State University offers an array of parenting classes, parenting events, educational videos on a variety of topics such as communication, tantrums, stress management, and emotions. 

Family Activities

Parenting Awareness Michigan has developed several different family activities that can help build relationships between parents, caregivers, and children. These activities can be done in an afternoon, or the calendar can be used to spark ideas for activities that can be done over the course of a month. 
5 simple steps to positive parenting

Berrien County Positive Parent Program

"Triple P" offers group classes of parents, guardians, and caregivers of children 0-12 and 13-17 years. These courses build on positive parenting techniques and skills. "Every family is different, yet families all over the world face problems that are surprisingly similar...The issues you deal with in your home affect families everywhere. That's where Triple P can help!"

To join a class, contact Berrien County at 269-926-7121or email send an email. 

For more information on "Triple-P" visit the Berrien County website. 

5 simple steps to positive parenting
Map of Michigan highlighting the Great Lakes Bay counties

Great Lakes Bay Parents

Serving Arenac, Bay, Isabella, Midland, and Saginaw Counties, the Great Lakes Bay Parents website has many resources, and access to parenting classes and support. "Informing parents and Inspiring families across the Great Lakes Bay Region! From locating childcare to joining a playdate, finding something to do this weekend or even a voice that's "been there". Great Lakes Bay Parents is your website for all-things parenting in our Great Lakes Bay Region."

Great Lakes Bay parenting website
Map of Michigan highlighting Oakland County

Oakland County

Oakland County supports families through their Nurturing Parenting Program. This program is for pregnant people, families of children 0-18 years old, and for teen parents. "Nurturing Parenting Program (NPP) is designed to nurture, educate, and support families with challenges known to impact parenting. NPP teaches parenting skills, child development, and how to establish a nurturing family life." 

Enroll by calling 800-848-5533 or by using their online referral form

Oakland County's parenting website

Safety Plans

A safety plan is a voluntary written agreement with family members, support system, and MDHHS to keep children safe. The video below (offered in 3 languages) provides a brief overview of what a safety plan is. These videos will help explain more about how they are created and used.

Stress Health

Stress impacts children and their caregivers and impacts everyone in a different way. Understanding the short term and long-term impacts of stress will allow both to begin creating healthy coping mechanisms and to decrease the overall effects. The resources below will explain Toxic Stress and provide methods for caregivers to use to reduce their own stress. 

Trauma Care

Parents and caregivers play an essential role in helping children and teenagers recover from traumatic events. The more caregivers learn about how traumatic events affect their children (whether toddler, school-age, teen, youth, or adult), the more they understand the reasons for their children’s behaviors and emotions, and the better prepared they are to help them cope. 

Online Safety

NetSmartz, an online safety education program by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, offers age-appropriate videos and activities designed to teach children how to stay safe online. Its goal is to increase children's awareness of online risks while empowering them to make safer choices both online and offline, helping to prevent victimization.

Visit the NetSmartz website