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Michigan State Police 145th Trooper Recruit School Demographics

Enlistment Date: 1-21-2024
Graduation Date: 6-7-2024

Michigan State Police 145th Trooper Recruit School Demographics

Ethnicity/Gender Applicant Pool (May 1, 2023 - September 30, 2023) Started Graduated

American Native, Females

1 1 1

American Native, Males

6 2 1

Asian, Females

0 0 0

Asian, Males

5 2 1

Black, Females

9 0 0

Black, Males

39 4 1

Black, Gender Undisclosed

0 0 0

Hispanic, Females

2 0 0

Hispanic, Males

15 0 0

Multi-Racial, Females

5 1 1

Multi-Racial, Males

28 4 4

Pacific Islander, Gender Undisclosed

0 0 0

Pacific Islander, Females

0 0 0

Pacific Islander, Males

1 0 0

Race Undisclosed, Females

0 0 0

Race Undisclosed, Males

8 0 0

Race Undisclosed, Gender Undisclosed

0 0 0

White, Females

36 13 11

White, Males

256 46 34

White, Gender Undisclosed

1 0 0


412 73 54


Note: The applicant pool includes applicants who submitted an application via NeoGov for the Trooper vacancy, after passing both the written exam and physical agility test. Applicants do not have to disclose race or gender at the time of application.