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Anti-Bias and Other Required Training

MSP enforcement members are required to annually complete training on the below topics. This training is hands-on practical, online, and exam-based training, depending on the topic.
  • Firearms (three shoots per year)
  • TASER use
  • Defensive tactics 
  • First aid
  • Vehicle pursuit and emergency driving 
  • Hazardous materials response
From time-to-time, there are other mandated annual trainings that are added for a specific year. For instance, in 2016 and 2019, all enforcement members were required to complete implicit bias training. MSP civilian employees also completed implicit bias training in 2019.
All MSP employees, enforcement and civilian, are also required to complete 7 hours of continuing education every two years on a topic(s) of their choosing (in coordination with their supervisor). This training could be on a wide variety of topics; a few examples include things such as autism awareness, interviewing techniques, cybercrime investigation, leadership development, communication skills, etc.
The MSP trooper recruit school curriculum includes blocks of instruction on Ethics in Policing, Cultural Awareness and Diversity, Managing Mental Health Crisis and Patrol Response, and Interpersonal Skills, among many other topics. De-escalation training comes in many forms and is woven throughout recruit school training. In addition to physical de-escalation tactics, recruits are taught verbal de-escalation, decision-making, and how to control their emotions when in tense situations. The Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards (MCOLES) mandates eight hours of training related to interpersonal skills or demonstrating conflict resolution, but MSP trooper recruit school includes approximately 40 hours of instruction in this area.
The MSP Training Division also provides training opportunities after recruit school on topics including de-escalation, critical thinking, mental health, and leadership to improve the ability of our members to achieve success in all areas of communication. Recent course offerings included Legally Justified (But was it avoidable), Advanced Spanish Immersion for Public Service Agencies, Women in Command, and Youth Mental Health First Aid.