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    EMPG Guidebook

    Emergency Management Performance Grant Guidebook


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    Publication Number

    Michigan Hazard Mitigation Plan (MHMP April 2024) Pub 106

    Attachments to the plan:

    2020 Michigan Hazard Analysis
    (MHA) pub. 103

    2024 Michigan Hazard Analysis (MHA) pub. 103

    Reducing hazard risks and vulnerabilities through education, planning, physical improvements, early warning, and coordination of programs and resources


    Questions or comments about the plan or about Michigan's hazard mitigation activities are welcomed and can be sent to Greg Ostrander at

    Michigan Hazard Mitigation Success Stories

    Michigan Hazard Mitigation Success Stories: Outstanding accomplishments in reducing loss of life, property and environmental damage associated with hazards in Michigan


  • Document Description Publication Number

    Michigan Emergency Management Plan (MEMP) pub. 101


    Michigan Emergency Management Plan (MEMP) Support Segments 101b, 101d

    Pub. 101b

    Pub. 101c

    Pub. 101d

    The plan developed and continuously maintained by the Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division, Department of State Police (MSP/EMHSD), pursuant to 1976 PA 390, as amended, for the purpose of coordinating the emergency management and homeland security activities of prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery within the state. The MEMP consists of two introductory sections (i.e., Planning Preliminaries; Emergency Management System), eight Emergency Support Functions (ESFs), 23 Disaster-Specific Procedures, and three primary Support Plans (i.e., Evacuation and Mass Shelter Support; Animal Care Support; Recovery Support). The MEMP is supported by other state-level, function-specific plans, including but not limited to those that address: 1) continuity of government and continuity of operations; 2) disaster logistics management; 3) disaster debris management; 4) disaster donations management; 5) hazard mitigation; 6) emergency repatriation; 7) damage assessment; and 8) mass fatality management.


    Find the 2020 & 2024 Michigan Hazard Analysis in the Mitigation Publications tab under Publication 106.

    The Michigan Hazard Analysis (MHA) provides detailed information that local planners can use as a starting point to determine the most common risks and hazards in their communities. As noted in the sidebar, please refer to the 2020 & 2024 editions of the MHA for the most up-to-date information. Emergency managers can also refer to EMHSD Publication 201 (Local Emergency Planning Workbook) and EMHSD Publication 207 (Local Hazard Mitigation Planning Workbook) for further guidance.


    Local Continuity Planning Handbook
    PDF Version

    Word version

    A guidance handbook to assist local jurisdictions in the development of continuity of government and continuity of operations plans, counterpart to and in support of the Michigan Continuity of Government Plan.


    Local Continuity Planning Handbook
    Pub110a - Planning Template
    PDF Version

    Word version

    A template for the guidance handbook to assist local jurisdictions in the development of continuity of government and continuity of operations plans, counterpart to and in support of the Michigan Continuity of Government Plan.


    Michigan Disaster Public Information Plan Pub 112


    Local Emergency Planning Guidebook (Pub 201)

    A guide to assist emergency management programs in the development and maintenance of local Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs).


    Emergency Operations Plans and Emergency Action Guidelines Templates

    Template for Local Emergency Operations Plans, Emergency Support Functions (ESF)

    Template for Local Emergency Operations Plans, functions-based Emergency Action Guidelines (EAG)

    Templates to assist local jurisdictions develop their Emergency Operations Plan or Emergency Action Guidelines. Each template consists of a basic plan and annexes that may be organized by traditional functions, agency, emergency support functions, or emergency action guidelines. Each template has a corresponding review guide specific to the EOP/EAG format..

    Review Guide for Local Emergency Operations Plans (Pub 201a)

    The Review Guide is to provide a measure for determining whether a community's emergency management planning documents are adequate in accordance to planning standards and to the National Incident Management System (NIMS).


    Support Emergency Operations Plan Guide (Pub 204)
    PDF Version

    Word Version

    A guide to assist municipalities incorporated into the county emergency management program to develop a support emergency operations plan.


    Local Emergency Management Program: Program Standards Workbook (Pub 206) rev. 11/2014
    PDF Version

    Word Version

    A guide for measuring a local or inter-jurisdictional emergency management program in relation to state accepted emergency management standards.


    Local Hazard Mitigation Planning Workbook (PUB 207) SECTIONS Introduction
    Mitigation Process
    Community Profile
    Identify Hazards
    Risk Assessment
    Vulnerability Assessment
    Goals and Objectives
    Evaluation Criteria
    Detailed Techniques
    Planning Requirements
    Integrating Mitigation

    A workbook to assist local communities in developing a multi-hazard mitigation plan that meets the requirements of the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000. (rev. February 2003)


    Critical Incident Protocol

    A Public and Private Partnership discusses the essential and beneficial process of the public and private sectors working together to plan for emergencies.

    Michigan Emergency Management Act
    PA 390 Admin Code as amended 5/20/2015

    Reprint of Emergency Management Act 390 of 1976

    LEPC Handbook

    A handbook to assist local emergency planning committees implement SARA TITLE III responsibilities.

    Emergency Information Procedures Workbook

    A Workbook For Developing Emergency Public Information Standard Operations Procedures

    School Planning Resources

    School Safety Requirements

    School Drill Documentation Form

    School Drill Observation Tool

    Office of School Safety

    Resources provided by the Office of School Safety for school planning.

    Statewide Plans - Storymap Collection

    A collection of the Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division's published plans as interactive storymaps.

  • Document


    Publication Number

    Michigan Disaster Housing Strategy

    This strategy summarizes the many sheltering and housing efforts available in the State and the broad array of organizations that are involved in managing these programs. It also outlines the key principles and policies that guide the Disaster Housing process.


    Local Disaster Debris Management Planning Handbook (Pub. 109a)

    A guidance handbook to assist local emergency management programs in the development of a local disaster debris management plan, counterpart to and in support of the Michigan disaster debris management plan.


    Michigan Disaster Debris Management Plan PUB 109

    Provide an organizational and operational framework for the State of Michigan to assist affected local jurisdictions in managing a debris operation subsequent to a debris generating disaster. The efficient and rapid management of disaster debris will help to protect the health and safety of the affected population, minimize threats to the environment, and ensure that critical response and recovery activities can proceed in a timely and unencumbered manner.


    Michigan Disaster Debris Management Plan Planning Template For PUB 109a Word Doc

    Plan Template for PUB 109a


  • Document


    Publication Number

    MSP/EMHSD Publication 901 - Michigan Damage Assessment Handbook notice to stakeholders


    Michigan Damage Assessment Handbook PUB. 901 PDF

    A guidance handbook for the collection, compilation, analysis, synthesis, and reporting of damage and impact information subsequent to a disaster or emergency.


    MRIAT & SOP's - EMD Pub105

    Michigan Rapid Assessment Team Assignments and Standard Operating Procedures


    Local Evacuation Mass Care - Pub 113 - Handbook & Template FINAL EDITIONS Notice to Stakeholders 2013-04


    Publication 113 - Local Evacuation and Mass Care Planning Handbook PDF ZIP

    A guidance handbook to assist local emergency management programs develop AN Evacuation AND Mass CARE plan or emergency operations plan annex, counterpart to and supporting the Michigan Emergency Management Plan AND Evacuation and mass SHELTER Support Plan.


    Publication 113 - Local Evacuation and Mass Care Planning Handbook Template PDF ZIP

    Plan Template for Pub 113


    Guidance for Community Hazmat Response Plans

    Plans covered by this guidance: SARA Title III, Michigan Fire Fighter Right-to-Know, and MIOSHA Hazwoper for Fire Fighters


    MDHHS Fatality Management Plan