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Michigan Intelligence Operations Center (MIOC)

Contact the MIOC: 877-616-4677 or

The Michigan Intelligence Operations Center (MIOC) - known as a fusion center - provides 24-hours a day statewide information sharing among local, state, and federal public safety agencies and private sector organizations in order to facilitate the collection, analysis and dissemination of intelligence relevant to terrorism and public safety.

Violence leaves clues. Stop a plot. Speak up.

53 percent of mass attacks leave a trail of clues leading up to them. 76 percent of attackers had concerning communications or elicited concern from others. For 59 percent of attackers, the first of these behaviors started over a year before the attack. Learn how to recognize the warning signs. And if you see something of concern, speak up. It’s confidential and safe. 
Learn more

Protect your every day. Recognize the Signs of Terrorism-related Suspicious Activity.

Mission Statement

To promote public safety by operating in a public-private partnership that collects, evaluates, analyzes, and disseminates information and intelligence in a timely and secure manner while protecting the privacy rights of the public.

Vision Statement

A leader and partner in the prevention of threats to health, safety, and security through the analysis and sharing of information and actionable intelligence.

Report Suspicious Activity & Behavior

For emergencies, call 9-1-1.

For non-emergencies, notify Michigan officials online, by phone at 1-855-MICHTIP (855-642-4847), or contact local law enforcement.

Missing Persons Coordination Unit (MPCU)

The Missing Persons Coordination Unit (MPCU) serves the Michigan State Police, criminal justice agencies, noncriminal justice agencies, governmental agencies, public safety officers, and the general public.
Learn more about the MPCU

Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management (BTAM)

The Michigan State Police, Michigan Intelligence Operations Center (MIOC) is a recipient of the FY2021 U.S. Department of Homeland Security Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Grant Program.
Learn more