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Hazardous Materials


Hazardous Materials

The Michigan State Police, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division (MSP/EMHSD) provides hazardous materials (Hazmat) training and planning assistance to local communities throughout the state of Michigan.


The MSP/EMHSD, through its Emergency Management and Homeland Security Training Center (EMHSTC), firmly believes that our primary mission is to raise the professional standing of the field of hazardous materials planning, mitigation, and response by providing leadership and coordination through instructional programs and other skill enhancement opportunities.

For more information about Hazmat training opportunities, visit the MSP/EMHSD's training and exercise website.


Planning for response to accidental hazardous materials spills or releases is handled at the local level by Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs) and fire departments. Hazmat planning assistance is provided to these and other local organizations through the MSP/EMHSD. 

SARA Title III Emergency Planning

SARA Title III requires that communities develop emergency response plans to address the accidental release of an extremely hazardous substance (EHS) from a site within the community. The Governor has assigned the task of assisting local communities in developing their plans to the MSP/EMHSD. 

Emergency Planning for Michigan Communities LEPC and Fire Departments Video

Other Links to Hazardous Materials Emergency Planning Information

Emergency Planning Video Feature