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About Us

About Us

MIHP Logo, Large

Pregnancy - Infancy - Family | Building tomorrow together!

Mission: The Maternal Infant Health Program nurtures health and wellness throughout pregnancy and infancy by partnering families with caring, trusted, and knowledgeable home visitors who serve the goals and needs of each family. 

Vision: Our vision is that all babies, families, and communities in Michigan are healthy and thriving.

Goals: The goals of MIHP are to reduce rates of maternal and infant morbidity and mortality by promoting healthy pregnancies, positive birth outcomes, and healthy growth and development for infants.

Values: Equity | Integrity | Quality | Innovation | Collaboration

Commitment Statement: MDHHS MIHP is committed to centering our work in diversity, equity, and inclusion by fostering an environment that is rooted in anti-racism and anti-oppression. We acknowledge the need for ongoing learning to critically and continuously evaluate aspects of the program such as policies, language, and representation. We honor and value collaboration with families, providers, and partners in the pursuit of health equity, growth, and justice.

home visitor at door of home of mom and baby

Home Visits 

When you enroll in the Maternal Infant Health Program (MIHP), you will work with a nurse and a social worker who will help you connect with your doctor, your health plan, and providers in your community. The nurse and social worker will visit you in your home while you are pregnant and for a period after your child is born. MIHP is a statewide home visiting program in Michigan that serves Medicaid-eligible pregnant people, infants and their families.

We hope you will check us out!

adult caregivers with infant at home

Families Served in 2024

101,139 Home Visits including 17,067 Virtual Visits

17,145 Families Served

12,115 Children Served

Source: MDHHS Data Warehouse Medicaid Claims/Encounters

smiling mom lifting baby outdoors

What MIHP Participants are Saying

They gave me all the info I needed to be a good mom.

- MIHP Mom Participant

They gave me encouragement and a caring smile and helped me with postnatal depression.

- MIHP Mom Participant

My life has been enriched through the hundreds of women and families that have opened up to me about their struggles and successes, and have allowed me to support, encourage, and challenge them in this part of their journey.

- MIHP Agency Social Worker

business people talking outdoors

MIHP Providers

Maternal Infant Health Program services are delivered by a statewide Michigan network of nearly 100 certified providers, including the following:

Independent Agencies
Local Health Departments
District Health Departments
Federally Qualified Health Centers
Hospital Systems
Native American Tribes

open book

Our History

In the 1980s, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) initiated Maternal and Infant Support Services to support pregnancy and infant health in the Medicaid population. From 2004 - 2009, the program was redesigned as a population health model. Participants no longer needed to be screened to determine eligibility - all pregnant and infant Medicaid participants became eligible. From 2009 - 2015, evidence-based interventions and standardized processes were introduced. From 2015 through the present, processes continue to be improved through continuous quality improvement and evaluation.

clasped hands

Our Partners

In addition to our Medicaid partner, the Maternal Infant Health Program collaborates with many community partners!

Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
Community Mental Health (CMH)
Early On
Great Start
Food Pantries
Child Protective Services (CPS)
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS)
Local Health Departments (LHD)
And Many More

magnifying glass on top of documents

Quality Focus

To provide the best and highest quality of care to our MIHP families to meet their needs and expectations through continuous quality improvement at all levels of service, including:

Policy and Program Operation

  • Policy
  • Quality Strategy
  • Operations Guide

Evidenced-Based Program

  • Published Quasi-Experimental Research

State Aggregate and Legislative Reports

  • Provider Specific Reports
  • Certification Reports

Provider Oversight

  • Certification Reviews
  • Administrative Reviews
  • Billing Data Reviews
image of mihp family information sheet

Learn More and Spread the Word

Review our information sheets and consider distributing to families and/or partners who support pregnant people, infants and families. Select the most appropriate information sheet below:

Interested in becoming an MIHP provider? Check out our Prospective Provider Information Sheet or visit the Prospective Provider webpage

infant girl laughing

Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Maternal Infant Health Program Staff

Dawn Shanafelt
Director, Division of Maternal and Infant Health

Dan Thompson
Section Manager, Perinatal and Infant Health

Cherie Ross
Manager, Maternal Infant Health Unit

Laura Stouffer
Quality Improvement Specialist

Joni Detwiler
Public Health Consultant

Kim Francis
Public Health Consultant

Maria McGinnis
Public Health Community Liaison

Alissa Borowiak
Public Health Nurse Consultant

Connie Frantz
Departmental Analyst

Arielle Moore
Data Technician

Kelsey Cleveland
MIHP Unit Secretary

Dipita Das
University of Michigan Youth Policy Lab Fellow

Lesley Gant
MIHP Reviewer

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Contact Us

Mailing Address
Division of Maternal and Infant Health
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
Elliott-Larsen Building 5-N
PO Box 30815
Lansing, MI 48909

Email Address

Phone Number
(833) MI4-MIHP (833-644-6447)

Fax Number
(517) 763-0366 

The Maternal Infant Health Program is committed to offering quality service that nurtures health and wellness throughout pregnancy and infancy. MIHP partners families with caring, trusted, and knowledgeable home visitors who serve the goals and needs of each family. If you have a concern regarding services from a local provider that does not align with our mission, core values, and/or program operations, please submit a Notice of Grievance FormThis form must be downloaded to your device to complete.

Link to MDHHS Publications
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