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Hate Crimes and Bias Incidents

Report a Hate Crime

For Emergency Cases

If someone is in imminent danger, dial 9-1-1 or your local police to get immediate help.

For Non-Emergency Cases
If you believe you are the victim of a hate crime or believe you witnessed a hate crime:

STEP 1: Report the crime to your local police.
STEP 2: Report the crime to the Michigan Attorney General and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Michigan Attorney General

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
(313) 965-2323

To File a Complaint of Discrimination

The Michigan Department of Civil Rights does not investigate hate crime, but we can investigate acts of discrimination in Employment, Education, Housing, Public Accommodation, Public Service, and Law Enforcement. The alleged discrimination must be based on race (including hair texture and protective hairstyles), religion, color, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, genetic information, marital status, familial status, source of income in housing, height, weight and/or arrest record.

File a Complaint


Michigan Alliance Against Hate Crime

The Michigan Alliance Against Hate Crimes (MIAAHC) was created by the United States Department of Justice, United States Attorneys’ Offices in Michigan, and the Michigan Civil Rights Commission and Department of Civil Rights. MIAAHC is a statewide coalition of local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies, civil rights organizations, community-based groups, educators, and anti-violence advocates working to ensure a complete and effective response to hate crimes and bias incidents.

For support or resources, or to get involved, contact MIAAHC at

Take the MI Response to Hate Pledge!

MI Response to Hate decal

MI Response to Hate Campaign

The MI Response to Hate Campaign is an ongoing series of virtual forums and an annual conference presented by the Michigan Department of Civil Rights.

Screen capture of a video frame. Text: What's Your Response?

Watch the MI Response to Hate PSA


Next Forum:

2024 MI Response to Hate Conference:

Virtual Forum
Topic: Religion
Date: March 27, 2025
Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Register Here:

Date/Time: Tuesday, September 10 · 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM EDT
Theme: In Allyship We Rise: Standing Together Against Hate
Location: Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center, 219 South Harrison Road, East Lansing, MI 48824
MIR2H Program Booklet

MIR2H Agenda 2024

MI Response to Hate March flyer.
Left side of the flyer has a multicultural group joining hands together. Logos for MIR2H, MIAAHC, and MDCR. Text: MI RESPONSE TO HATE CONFERENCE. In Allyship We Rise: Standing Together Against Hate. September 10, 2024 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center East Lansing, MI REGISTER HERE.

Previous Topics:

Voting & Violence: Hate and Bias Around General Elections

Making Michigan Accessible

Eliminating Hate and Bias in Law Enforcement

Eliminating Hate and Bias in Schools

Eliminating Hate and Bias in Healthcare

Eliminating Hate and Bias in Housing

Cultivating a More Diverse, Equitable, & Inclusive Workplace

Hate Crime Reporting Virtual Forum-MDCR

Unpacking the Impact of Hate and Bias

Race-Based Hate and Bias: What It Looks Like and What We Can Do About It

Hate Crime or Bias Incident: What's the Difference

How to Help Victims of Hate Crime Posters

Hate Crime Response Flyer English-Spanish

Hate Crime Response Flyer English-Arabic


Michigan Attorney General Hate Crimes and Domestic Terrorism Unit

United States Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of Michigan

United States Attorney's Office for the Western District of Michigan

US Department of Justice