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Disability Rights & Compliance Division

The Disability Rights and Compliance Division (DRACD) contains four distinct areas: ADA Compliance; the Division on Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing;  Freedom of Information Act (FOIA); and Contract Compliance.

ADA Services

DRACD is responsible for the administrative requirements of Title II of the ADA and other related duties pursuant to Executive Order 2004-31. This includes training, guidance, and resources to State of Michigan ADA Coordinators.

The Division also maintains the SOM’s Disability Resources webpage and manages the State of Michigan’s Voluntary Service Animal Identification program pursuant MCL § 37.303.

Visit ADA Compliance

Contract Compliance

The Department of Civil Rights is reopening its Contract Compliance Program, which administers, awards or renews “Certificates of Compliance,” also known as “Certificates of Awardability”. These certificates are part of the Contract Compliance program through which vendors seeking contracts with the State of Michigan can obtain a certificate verifying that they will not discriminate in employment.

Contract Compliance


DODDBHH  is focused on affirming the indisputable right of persons who are Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing to secure effective communication.  The Division supports the DODDBHH Advisory Council which is tasked with advising and informing the work of the Division on matters pertaining to the deaf, deafblind, and hard of hearing community. 

DODDBHH staff provide training, resource assistance, and educational programs to clarify the rights and responsibilities of residents and organizations with respect to Michiganders who are deaf, deafblind, and hard of hearing. 

Division on Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing


Michigan’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231, et seq., provides all persons (except persons incarcerated in correctional facilities) may receive copies or make inspections of public records (except those otherwise exempted from disclosure under FOIA or another statute) of public bodies upon written request. 
More Information on MDCR's Freedom Of Information Act Process