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Library Science Collection

The Library Science Collection is a circulating “Librarian’s Library” of professional library science books and materials. The collection serves all librarians and library types in Michigan.

If you need to find information on managing computers in libraries, supervising staff or volunteers, developing your library collection, managing digital collections, doing Storytimes, fundraising to enhance your budget, facilities management, serving special populations of patrons, standards for school libraries, etc., you can look here. The collection is wide-ranging and includes materials for public, academic and school libraries.

Anyone can borrow the materials through MeLCat or interlibrary loan. To find materials, search the Library of Michigan's catalog, ANSWER, by topic. You can use Library Science Collection as a search term to view the collection and sort by date to see the most recent items. If you don’t find what you need, feel free to suggest a purchase by contacting Karren Reish at We will continue to purchase materials for the collection so check back often to see new items too.

The Library of Michigan is currently not active in MeLCat due to preparing to switch our ILS. All materials are available in-person or through interlibrary loan.

Use the collection to improve your services and learn new ideas. Pass the word about it to your colleagues!

This collection is made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

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