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Local Leadership Groups

What is a Local Leadership Group?

Local Leadership Groups (LLGs) work within their local/regional communities to support a comprehensive home visiting system that includes an array of services linking pregnant people and young children and their families to supports they may need. 

Local Leadership Groups bring together home-visiting programs, parents, and other essential partners to maintain a coordinated system of programs and services that respond to the needs of families.

What is the Impact of the Local Leadership Groups?

For Communities: For Families: For the HV System:
  1. Reveals how the home visiting system is connected
  2. Identifies opportunities to improve home visiting programs and services for families
  3. Builds knowledge of the array of home visiting services
  1. Parents gain a better understanding of the home visiting system
  2. Parents provide a critical feedback loop regarding home visiting programs and services
  3. Parents choose the home visiting program that is best for them
  1. Increases communication among home visiting programs and minimizes working in silos
  2. Shifts mindsets, practices, and policy
  3. Ensures accountability across state, community, and programs

Want to learn more about the LLGs?

Contact Evi Lindquist, the State Local Leadership Group Coordinator, for more information about the LLGs or to be connected to the local LLG Coordinators around the state.


How Can You Get Involved? 

Parents are an important part of the Local Leadership Groups. Parents sharing their experiences are necessary to provide input to how home visiting is working across the state and create change. Are you a parent who is enrolled in a home visiting program? Are you interested in helping to improve the home visiting system in your community?

Parents who are members of the Local Leadership Group:

  •        Attend Local Leadership Group meetings and are paid for their time.
  •        Parents are supported to learn about the home visiting system and how to share their voice.
  •        Parents are invited to join a state Parent Leader Learning Community for other learning opportunities and connection with other parents.

Contact the LLG Coordinator in your community to learn more about parent opportunities or contact:

Michigan Home Visiting Unit Parent Leader Coordinator: Autumn Bagley,


Home Visiting: A Storytelling Project

Leaders in early childhood systems. State leaders wanted to understand the impact of the Statewide Parent Leaders in Home Visiting Group, conducting a study to learn about the experience and impact of being a member of the group. Using a peer-to-peer storytelling method based on the StoryCorps® model, parent leaders shared their stories and experiences. The full Home Visiting Storytelling Report is below as is the Key Informant Interview Report.  

Home Visiting Storytelling Report

Key Informant Interview Report

Parent Leadership Storytelling Video


Important Community Partnerships


    Great Start Collaboratives (GSCs): Great Start Parent Coalitions (GSPCs):

    Michigan Regional Perinatal Quality Collaboratives (MI PQC)

    • Work to understand the communities’ strengths and challengeswithin their local early childhood system
    • Work to build and reform the local early childhood system
    • Consists of community leaders and includes parents of young children
    • Provide a customer/beneficiary perspective for the Great Start Collaborative
    • Educate community members about the importance of early childhood
    • Provide information, education and resources to parents raising young children

    • Convene perinatal partners to address their region’s largest concerns with individualized attention
    • Improve birth outcomes for birthing people, infants and families through data-driven quality improvement efforts
    • Authentically engage families and communities; garnering and utilizing the advisement of families statewide